Monday, January 31, 2011

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Back and neck discomfort (Julie)


Sat Nam,

I can tell you that the onset of more pain after such an injury is how it goes for this type of injury that is why they send people to the hospital and insist on it in accidents often the injury does not even manifest the pain of the injury till later on. To keep yourself limber and movement in those areas and massage is what I found worked the best in my like kind injury the massage really helped me when I was having horrid muscle spasms. T-bone crashes are the worst type for such injury as the neck goes in a direction that is not normal for a neck its much like the concussion injury with neck that football players get so that may help you to look up some more information as well. Im not a Dr so I don't know what they have told you to do but I found that the movement kept the muscles limber and less pain but I was really only able to start to do so after the massage had helped take the spasm and tightness out and took the edge off the pain.

A good joint vitamin is what I took to specific for/to joints it seemed to help I would tell you the kind but they no longer make them was ligatend by Twin Labs

Exercise and movement start out a little at a time.

Blessings and healing,

----- Original Message -----
From: Julie
Sent: Monday, January 31, 2011 6:18 AM
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] Back and neck discomfort

Sat Nam

I had an accident five days ago (a car crashed into the side of mine) gradually each day has brought more pain and discomfort to my back and neck. I have been to see my doctor who diagnosed a whip lash injury caused by the impact of the bump! He advised rest and said it will heal with time.

I do not want to stop my practice but at the same time I want to heal and support all of me as best I can!

Can anyone offer any advice/guidance? I would especially appreciate feedback on any suitable kyiyas that could help.

Thank you in advance for your help...

Julie x

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