Wednesday, January 12, 2011

[Kundalini Yoga] Re: thyroid books


Gotta love Amazon and their brilliant way to sell more books, one click. I've disabled mine, which doesn't slow me down too much! Usually I let my cart sit for a few days to see if I really want what's in it.

While looking for "Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms", I found, "The Menopause Thyroid Solution." I'll let you know if it's worthwhile. It certainly sounds promising. But first I need to finish "The Body Ecology Diet", recommended to me by a friend who is also a KY teacher. It's a food combining, blood type, and anti-candidiasis diet emphasizing starving the yeast, etc, that are causing health and thyroid problems. It makes a lot of sense but seems pretty darn strict. The author claims it's doable as a vegetarian, but that would be tough. It sounds like it would work if you could stand it.

Last month it was "The Belly Fat Cure Diet." Did it work? Well, My mouth improved very noticeably, although it wasn't too horrible gum-wise before due to excellent oral hygiene. But still, big improvement. My belly is a little flatter, but I didn't lose any weight. Metabolism- very definitely on a more even keel. You're allowed 15 grams of non-refined sugar a day- gasp- that's been hard to get used to; that's essentially 1 cup of Greek yougart and half a fruit like an apple or a few blueberries. The sugar-free chocolate (did I mention the daily serving(s) of the 5th food group, dark chocolate, I normally have?) that's acceptable on this diet is also uncomfortably gas-producing. Is that a negative incentive?

So perhaps after having low sugar for a month, I'm halfway to starving the yeast out, which, according to symptoms are there in a multitude after years of sinus/bronchitis infections followed by antibiotics.

What do you think about eating for your blood type, something to it or total hogwash? I thought it was total hogwash when I first heard about it from my food-fadist Mother, but years later, I have to own up to it being pretty close to the eating style I seem to do best on. I've been a vegetarian off and on for years, but it hasn't been something I can maintain; maybe it really is the type O need for more protein and tons of veggies. Yes, the veggie diet does leave you feeling light and clean, up to a point, but even with vitamin supplements...

Share and comment, anyone?

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