Saturday, July 10, 2010

[Kundalini Yoga] Re: Sodarchan Chakra Kriya


Yes, 31 minutes is very ambitious for starters. Are you on facebook? Ravi and Ana did a 40 day group meditation w/ sodarshon and people are still posting their experiences. You might find the thread to be quite illuminating and encouraging. Go to, Raviana Yoga (w/ Meditation cover picture)click on the discussions tab, then down to "40 day meditation-join us." Really, many people are thrilled to build up and complete 40 days at 11 minutes.

There's no race- some well-known yogis such as Gurutej and Ravi have been doing Sodarshon for about 20 years now!

--- In, chris charles <ccharles79@...> wrote:
> start with just 5mins..for the first 40 days. add a minute each 40 days..don´t
> miss a day. the slower the better..YB said this...i did this one 900´s
> special....keep up and you will be kept up...waheguru-Chris
> ________________________________
> From: DevaS <sixthchakra@...>
> To:
> Sent: Sat, July 10, 2010 2:40:32 AM
> Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] Re: Sodarchan Chakra Kriya
> Sat Nams Raj kirin
> maybe ask yourself, what it is specifically that you dislike or that you resist
> with SCK?
> Meditation isn't perfect or meant to be. Try letting it flow, when you feel the
> 'resistance' thoughts arising, that is the time to 'ease' into the meditation,
> to 'allow', not fight.
> If that means only getting 39 pumps, then regroup and come back for 48 on the
> next breath. Maybe you need to speed your mantra up?
> Sounds like you're beating yourself up some, the negativity builds and self
> propagates.
> I find that whether its SCK, One Minute Breath, Tershula..softening, and
> allowing always works.
> EVENTUALLY, the lungs expand. The 11 mins is a barrier for you, or you've made
> it one. Try setting the timer to just run, and do SRK as long as you can. If you
> have to cheat a round here or there fine, whatever it takes. you will find a
> point that you can go as long as your head can take the energy, because your
> lungs adjust. It stops being a race.
> Good teachers, whether its Guru Rattana, Gurmukh, Yogi Bhjan give you
> meditations you need. This could be about your self-imposed limitations.
> And don't forget to love yourself after you've finished, 3 mins, or 2.5 hrs...
> Keep up
> blessings
> Deva
> --- In, "Lily" <lilygoodale@> wrote:
> >
> > Sat Nam, I was given Sodarchan chakra Kirya for a 40 day or longer at 31
> >minutes. I have been doing it for a month now and it is a constant struggle.I am
> >doing the full 48 pumps, but i can barely make it 11 minutes I am dytermined to
> >get to the 31. Everyday I think it will get easier and it doesn't. I actually
> >dread it. It has put a negative spin and my very stuctured practice. I really
> >want to get it. I am not willing to give up. The assignment was given to me by
> >Gurmuk. It was one in answer to a request form I sent her. Can anyone give me
> >tips to relieve the stress of this kirya? Sat Nam Thank you Raj Kirin Kaur
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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