Thursday, May 6, 2010

[Kundalini Yoga] Re: Psychic question


Re: Psychic question
Posted by: "Jerica Summers"
Wed May 5, 2010 6:15 pm (PDT)

In books about enlightenment, the superpowers are always thought of as being
just another skill like dancing, painting, etc. The ability dies when we
die. So I thought that practice would make superpowers better since they're
a skill and not enlightenment. I wanted to be in an occupation that I was
interested in. My current job is boring beyong words.
SatNaam Jerica,

the key for you is not trying to develop psychic abilities (=YOUR
WANT=DESIRE), the key is accept where you are in life at the moment (=GODS

When you learn the lesson about yourself from your current job, you will
progress spiritually.

Which part of you is getting bored? The ego.

When you have desires for supernatural powers or any worldy wants, where do
they lead you? Into Maya.

What stops you realising God/Soul within yourself? The ego, chasing
desires, keeping you trapped in Maya.

How do you get out of ego and desires? Become nothing.

What does that mean practically? Accept your job is where you are supposed
to be right now, so become a slave of God, see your job as
service to God/your higher self. An excercise in ridding yourself of ego.
Everytime the thoughts come from your ego, "this job is boring beyond words"
keep praying, "Thy will be done, NOT MINE."

When your ego no longer bothers you, you will be at peace, then al lthese
powers will come, but they are also a distraction from realising the Truth -
the Creator of these powers. Ask your ego , "why are you going after
supernatural powers, when you could be going after the Creator of them?"
Why settle for second best?

The real job is to remember God's Name - Sat Naam , Sat Naam, Sat Naam - the
Truth, the Truth, the Truth.
And all day long be nothing, a servant, an attitude of giving, giving,
giving to one and all - wether at home, work or out and about - just doing
truthful deeds.
And most all all staying desire-free, staying at the feet of the Creator -
Sat Naam Karta Purakh.

And what will happen with your job? Watch and wait, when you trsut in God,
unbelievable and amazing things happen - but you have to patient, because
everything happens
according to HIS WILL, at the perfect time for us. so pray to be an
instrument for His will in this world, rather than getting frsutrated that
your will is not coming to fruition.

We went through similar things, God-Guru Bless You with the Truth.

Dust of your feet

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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