Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Memory fade


Check these sites
(As a breast cancer survivor with a cancer fed by estrogen and progesterone, I would be very cautious of hormone replacement therapy.)

Four Pillars of Prevention
 Four Pillars of Building a Better Memory
By Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
Pillar 1: Diet and Vitamins    
Building a better memory, preventing memory loss, and impacting Alzheimer's
disease have been shown to be dependent on your lifestyle, and not just
your genes. Your brain is a flesh and blood organ and needs the proper
fuel to function well. Your diet is critical to its health, and you can
The Alzheimer's Prevention Diet
1. 20% "good" fat, such as extra virgin olive oil, avocado, and flax seed oil
2. 40% lean protein, preferably fish, chicken, turkey and soy
3. 40% complex carbohydrates, such as a rainbow of fresh vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and fresh fruits
4. Superfoods for the brain: blueberries, spinach, and seaweed
 The main, well-researched concept for having a better memory is to avoid a diet high in  trans-fat and saturated fat, such as those from animal products… especially red
meats. These fats cause inflammation and the production of free
radicals. Free radical damage can lead to the death of your brain cells. I believe that a vast intake of fruits and vegetables, along with fish
rich in omega-3 oils and vegetarian protein substitutes, such as soy,
are protective against memory loss.
Vitamins and Memory Specific Nutrients
Everyone should take a high potency multiple vitamin and mineral capsule that
includes folic acid and Vitamin C. The former reduces homocysteine
levels, which is a risk factor for both heart disease and memory loss.
The latter has been shown to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease by
20 percent when taken with Vitamin E.  The dose of Vitamin C should be 2,000 mg per day.
Memory specific nutrients include coenzyme Q10, alpha lipoic acid, ginkgo biloba,  phosphatidyl serine, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), huperzine-A, vinpocetine, and acetyl-L-carnitine.
Pillar 2: Stress Management                                     
The human brain is an amazing instrument. No computer can duplicate it. It
can process millions of stimuli in hundredths of a second. However, your brain requires good care and attention to operate at peak efficiency,
especially as you enter your forties, fifties, and beyond. Building a
better memory, preventing memory loss and impacting Alzheimer's disease
are dependent on your lifestyle and not just your genes.
Stress, Meditation, and Memory
Balancing stress is a vital part of an Alzheimer's prevention strategy. There is a very high correlation between high cholesterol, high blood pressure,
high cortisol, and Alzheimer's disease. Stress can be a key factor in
all of these. Research has shown that the benefits of a regular
stress-relaxation practice can improve your health, and especially  improve focus, attention, and optimal mental performance.
Did you know that being prone to psychological distress could destroy your
memory and cause Alzheimer's disease? Research says it can. Doctors and
health officials have come to realize how heavy a toll stress is taking
on our health. A testimony to that is the fact that tranquilizers,
antidepressants, high blood pressure medicines, and anti-acids, all of
which are used for illnesses made worse by stress, are the best-selling
drugs in the Western countries.
When you have stress your performance goes down. Stress chemicals, such as
adrenaline and cortisol are released in your body and are responsible
for your fast heart rate and a stimulating feeling. Cortisol damages the cells in the memory center of your brain. The problem is, that as you
age or develop an illness, you have a decreased ability to handle stress and lower your blood cortisol levels naturally. Cortisol stops glucose
from entering your brain cells. It blocks your neurotransmitter function and causes brain cells to become injured and, if they are not saved, to die.
As stress and cortisol levels increase, so does the chance of developing
memory loss. High levels of cortisol also impact your ability to learn
and retain new information. This is called short-term memory loss.
Pillar 3: Exercise                                                       
Physical, Mental, and Mind/Body                                                
Memory loss is neither a normal nor a natural process of aging. We must take a proactive role in retaining the strength and vitality of our brain as
we age. Just as our body needs strength-building exercise to keep fit,
so does our brain.
The Importance of Physical Exercise
Physical exercise is imperative because it reduces your risk for developing
Alzheimer's disease by 50 percent. Moreover, women in one study who had a regular exercise program from age 40 to 60 had a dramatic reduction in
cognitive decline.  The more recent findings discount occupational and educational factors and suggest that an active lifestyle is the key.  Research recommends walking a minimum of 20 minutes, 3 times a week. Other
examples of great aerobic exercise include jogging, dance classes,
swimming, and tennis. Remember, also, to do some strength training to
maintain muscle mass and prevent osteoporosis.

Brain Aerobics
Mental exercise has been reported by neurologists to reduce your chance of
developing Alzheimer's disease by 70 percent. Everyone should spend at
least 20 minutes, three times a week, doing mental exercise.
Challenging the brain with novel tasks (anything new or different) improves brain
function. In order for an activity to be considered brain aerobics,
three conditions must be met:
1. It needs to engage your attention.
2. It must involve more than one of the senses.
3. It must break a routine activity in an unexpected, nontrivial way.
Some examples of good mental exercise are reading, writing, playing board
games and doing crossword puzzles. For more fun examples of innovative
brain aerobics contact us for a copy of our brochure The Power of Brain Aerobics – Maximize Your Memory.
Healing Your Brain with Mind/Body Medicine
Mind/body exercise is a fascinating example of the best of the principles of
Asian medicine meeting the best of Western medical research. It
increases the amount of blood flow going to your bran and improves your
memory. This technique has been proven clinically very useful over the
Utilizing SPECT scans in subjects practicing the Kirtan Kriya (a yoga meditation) for twelve minutes produced an increase in attention, concentration,
and short-term memory. Equally significant, the changes in the scans
from before to after are consistent with better judgment, improved
psychological health and enhanced spiritual activity.
Pillar 4: Medicines                                                           
Medications and Hormones                                                            
Early detection and prompt treatment of memory problems utilizing an
integrative program, including drugs at the proper dose, may delay the
development of Alzheimer's by many years.  For that reason, I believethere is a place for the use of pharmaceutical medications as part of an integrative medical program to prevent and treat Alzheimer's disease. These medications should only be taken under the care of a physician who's an expert in treating
Alzheimer's disease. All of these medicines may have serious side
effects such as dizziness, nausea, diarrhea, and other symptoms. Always
work closely with your doctor  concerning pharmaceutical use, including those purchased over-the-counter.
The pharmaceuticals currently in use are presented in alphabetical order (please contact your doctor to learn more about them:
1.      Aricept (donepezil): Aricept, like Exelon, is moderately effective in improving short-term memory in patients with early Alzheimer's.
2.      Exelon (rivastigmine):  Exelon is slightly more effective than Aricept at slowing the rate of decline
in a patient with Alzheimer's. Because it blocks two chemical pathways
and not just one, it increases the amount of memory chemical in your
brain. Exelon is probably most useful in people who are in the earliest
stages of memory loss. 
3.      Namenda (memantine): Memantine has been available in many parts of the world
for some time, and has had a modest effect in alleviating some of the
symptoms of advanced Alzheimer's disease. According to a recent study,
it has no significant side effects. It was recently approved for use in
the United States. The drug blocks a brain chemical called glutamate,
which has been implicated in brain cell death. (Memantine is marketed in Europe and Canada as Ebixa) One reason that chronic unbalanced stress
kills brain cells by the thousands is because the hormone cortisol also
disrupts glutamate function inside the brain. This disruption causes
many free radicals to form inside your brain cell. It is interesting
that Memantine reverses that disruption, and helps the brain.
4.      Razadyne (galantamine): Previously called Reminyl, Razadyne is the drug derived
from the nutrient galantamine. It increases the level of many different
chemicals in your brain to help improve memory. It is most useful in
patients with mid stage to moderate Alzheimer's. 
 Hormone Replacement Therapy
 There is strong clinical support to allow for careful hormone replacement
therapy in people concerned about their memory. There are important
considerations, however:
1. Hormone levels must be measured in the blood. If they are low, it makes sense to replace
them in an informed manner. If they are not low, it is not safe to boost them higher than normal.
2. The hormone levels should be restored to the naturally occurring levels of a 30- to 40- year-old, and never younger.
3. Blood tests must be repeated every three months at first and then every six months to monitor hormone levels.
The hormones I measure include: DHEA, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, and thyroid hormone. Although I don't measure melatonin and
pregnenolone, I replace them when clinically indicated.
All information provided in this article is for educational purposes only
and should not be considered specific medical advice. Consult a
physician regarding the applicability of any opinions or recommendations with respect to your symptoms or medical condition.

From: Brinda johnson <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Wednesday, November 2, 2011 4:43:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Memory fade

Would you please email me the info on the Kundalini Yoga Memory fade?  My mother is 80 yrs old in March I am hoping it will help her and me, also.
Thanks for your help?

From: Lily Goodale <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 6:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Memory fade

Sat Nam to all who have inquired about memory loss. I have an Article with me from AARP Magazine 2009" 50 and Beyond Boost your brain power". Epidemiologists have predicted a coming wave of Alzheimers disease that will bankrupt the health care system and ruin millions of lives. But don't freak out. You can take steps to protect yourself with the right combination of diet, exercise and stress relief techniques says Dharma Singh Khalsa M.D. President of the Alzheimers Research and Prevention Foundation In Tucson, AZ and Author of Brain Longevity.. Stave off senior moments with the brain boosting power of a practice known as Kirtan Kriya. Drawn from the Kundalini yoga tradition, Kirtan Kriya combines meditation with sound and movement to engage the brain in a uniquely healing way. Studies at the University of PA. center for spiritually and the mind have found that practcing this breathing technique just 12 minutes a day is enough to reverse age related
mental decline. It improves verbal fluency and memory by increasing blood flow to the brain, says Khalsa. I have seen the videos with Alheimer pateints who can not retain a single thing but can memorize and remember Sa Ta Na Ma... So they are actually capable of remembering through repitation of Kirtan Kriya.... Raj Kirin Kaur

From: Akku96 <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Thursday, October 27, 2011 4:00 PM
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] Memory fade


Sat Nam,

Any advice on poor memory with names especially?
When and why would memory fade fast in some people?
Any kriyas to help with that?


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