Monday, April 11, 2011

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] The Power of Kundalini yoga


Sat Nam Neil, It took me about 2 years of contemplation to decide whether or not
to do a Kundalini teacher training or Anusara teacher training. In the end after
reading what Yogi Bhajan said in the Aquarian Teacher training hard cover
manual. I decided to go with Kundalini.

From the Manual:

 " I could have taught hatha Like everyone else. I am good at Hatha. In India
when the hatha yogis got sick I would heal them.I am a specialist in hatha yoga,
where they use the postures, certain mudras, kriyas and nutrition to treat
people.I chose not to teach Just hatha Yoga. I started teaching Kundalini yogi
and everyone told me, 'It will be hard and it will not be popular. No one really
wants awareness in the west. You should start with Hatha." I had to decide. "Am
I doing this  for myself and pick the easy route or am I going to deliver the
knowledge undiluted and as a legacy for these people? I felt that people in the
west needed a positive realization and awareness in a short time. That system
had to be strong enough and practical enough that any householder can practice

All the traditional Hatha Yoga systems were aimed at students who could limit or
withdraw from normal life. There is no better system known to me than Kundalini
yoga. Though Raj Yoga is great, it is very mental and a student has to be very
well prepared for it.

The beauty of Kundalini yoga is that if you can just physically sit there, fix
the automatic rhythm of your pranayam and the creative naad your mind becomes
focused and balanced. In one kriya you can immediately achieve a complete
physical, mental and spiritual balance. It works effectively and quickly because
of this completeness, balance and energy. Since any method from prayer to dance
that helps you to achieve universal consciousness must eventually raise your
kundalini to accomplish it, why not start with kundalini yoga direct? What is
the purpose of Hatha yoga? The purpose is to raise the awareness. It is a
technology which brings the apana and the prana, the sun and the moon powers
together to raise the consciousness through the central equilibrium line. In
other words it's stated aim is to raise the kundalini. The problem is that it
takes about 22 years to raise it that way, even with a perfect practice. That is
the long method.The difference with that and Kundalini yoga is only a matter of
time and rate of progress. The purpose of the two approaches is the same only
Kundalini is the direct quick and perfect practice for the pace of the modern

Teaching hatha and Kundalini yoga are different. First of all, It is difficult
to teach Kundalini yoga. A teacher who does not have a beam of energy within him
or herself can not teach it. That is the first fundamental. As a teacher of
Kundalini yoga, you should be established at a certain steady level of
consciousness to pull the people up to that level. If you do not have that link
of consciousness, the Golden Chain and that spark of awareness, then you can
only instruct in darkness. That is the problem. You could come, and I could give
you a bunch of powerful elegant exercises. You would feel great however, when I
then talk about life and humanity, and the total sum of existence and
consciousness, you have to feel Magnetism come out of me. My reality and
confirmed consciousness must be present to act as a guide and compass. If I
can't give you that, there is nothing to pull you to a new level. Kundalini yoga
is the master science of experience and awareness. It is a transmission of
consciousness from person to person. It is a Raj Yoga that wakens you inside.
That is the difference between Hatha and Kundalini.

 O.K some where I read that if you do Kundalini yoga you will be fit to do any
other form of yoga. I know this is true because it has worked that way for me. I
gave up my hatha practice for more than a year and after doing Kriya daily for a
year my hatha practice was so much more. I also feel that Kundalini has allows
me to do any sport better with more stamina and better lung capacity. My
personal trainer told me he had never met anyone with a core as strong as mine.
After weeks of training and trying to think a ways to challenge my core he
finally said to me " you are a tough one to break." I hadn't been to the gym in
3 years. I began working out with him 2 times a week last December. I hope this
is helpful to you. Sat Nam Raj Kirin kaur

From: Neil MacAlpine <>
Sent: Sun, April 10, 2011 1:28:46 PM
Subject: Re: [Kundalini Yoga] The Power of Kundalini yoga


I am interested in what you say below.

I am thinking of moving my Hatha practice to Kundalini, but I don't have
enough information - a Maya Fiennes DVD and a book. I can't seem to do both.

I suspect that, unlike Hatha, Kundalini would be best done in a class, or
with someone knowledgeable.

Where did you get your information? Did you go to a class? There don't seem
to any in my neck of Scotland.

Thank you, for any information.


On 8 April 2011 10:47, Lily <> wrote:

> Sat Nam,I Just need to remark on the amazing power of the practice of
> Kundalini yoga. I remember when I firt took the time to comtemplate moving
> from my regular Iyengar practice to my now Daily Kundalini practice. I kept
> thinking what will happen when I do the teacher training and I get so
> commited to Kundalini that I stop my Hatha practice. Then I read what Yogi
> Bhajan said " If you do Kundalini yoga you will be in great shape to do any
> other yoga." I thought i'd put this to the test. I did my teacher training
> spent a year only doing Kundalini and then went back to my very strict and
> anatomically correct demanding Iyengar class. I was so amazed to see that
> Postures I had worked so hard to perfect over the years now cames so fluidly
> and with such grace and ease.I have also noticed in the last few years how
> even after not doing any cardio work I can start a commited 2 mile run and
> feel no pain the next morning. I also play squash and I see how my lung
> capacity long out lives others I play who run and work out on a daily basis.
> But the Cream of the crop came yesterday. I am volunteer co coaching the
> High school Lacrosse team. Yesterday the coach had us running up hills do so
> much Conditioning and sprints and static cardio work and I woke up this
> morning feeling like a fit racehorse not a sore muscle.I am 52. I have not
> worked out like that in almost 5 years! I know it is the Kundalini the
> strength of the core/navel center, the breath of fire and all the demanding
> postures we do for those lengths of time. I also know it is the development
> of the nuetral mind that allows me to go on and on like the ever ready
> bunny. Sat Nam Raj Kinin

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