Thursday, June 24, 2010

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Re: Voices & Depression


Thanks for your answer, situational depression has a cause that we can recognize maybe easily.
If a person is seeing a "medical" professional and has voices inside the head I am inclined to think that maybe is not situational, that it has its roots in childhood trauma or to say it without using the medical model terminology that maybe the person has a great loss or suffered abuse at some stage.
What you say about changing the sense of yourself is very valid in every process only that depression is a major cause for people committing suicide and sometimes other kind of interventions are necessary (response to crisis or intense need)
I would never minimize the feelings or lack of them caused by depression and I am inclined to cover every avenue available and at the same time I would never minimize the benefits of Yoga in any healing process.

--- On Tue, 22/6/10, biftonb <> wrote:

From: biftonb <>
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] Re: Voices & Depression
Received: Tuesday, 22 June, 2010, 11:32 PM


Hi Shanti,
--- In, Shanti Hoffmann
> Depression is to my eyes an illness and as such we have to
> pay attention, get support, medicines if necessary
> when the suffering is unberable.
I once had what is called situational depression - lots of things went wrong in my life one after another and I became depressed and started messing up in various ways.
Kundalini yoga helped me get over the depression - this is because it changed my sense of self. All these ego based things about money came to matter less and less and my happiness came to come more from my deeper inner sense of self and identity. I realised 'Happiness was my birthright' It was inside me but obscured by all my material/ego attachments.
Doctors detect various medical imbalances in people with depression and mental illness but don't know enough about it to know if these are symptoms or causes or a bit of both.
It is wrong to think of it as an illness if that then stops a person trying to help themself and expecting doctors to find a pill to cure them.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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