Wednesday, June 2, 2010

[Kundalini Yoga] Re: severe back pain


By now you've probably gone to the doc or figured out some course of action. What you're describing sounds so much like what happened to me last summer, so I'll share my "miracle cure". Somehow I pulled something lugging a heavy suitcase around on the way to the airport to depart for a cruise to Alaska. Then I foolishly did the basic spinal kriya thinking it would loosen me up and put things back in the right places- WRONG! My back got progressively worse throughout the day until I could barely walk. Great, stuck on the big cruise boat for a week, unable to move. So, when the infirmary finally opened on Monday morning, I went thinking they'd suggest something like muscle relaxers and painkillers, but was very surprised when they gave me was 800 mg. 3x/day of a presciption version of time release ibuprofen. I would never take something like that on my own- Aleve has all kinds of warnings for only 400 mgs/day! In 3 days I was about 100%- vacation saved.

So now I eat cherries regularly for their natural anti-inflammatory properties (sour are supposed to be best, but sweet work great, too),and my stomach is not destroyed by NSAIDs. They are great if you're prone to achy-ness!

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