Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Inner Guilt


Sat Nam,

I haven´t written for a while. Mahan Gyan Mudra is the best practice. The combination of 1st and 4th chakra stimulation erase negativity and transform it into power to take action. I did this kriya everyday for about 5 years very slowly working up to 31minutes. First, do nabhi kriya for a couple of months then go to this kriya to contain the energy at your heart center arms hurt but you unblock yourself on an energetic level...curiously Sat kriya lessened the effects of mahan gyan mudra over time for me. Also, consider a raw food diet to unbottle dyfunctional feelings, increase life force, and detox yourself on a physical level then mental toxic feelings will follow. Consider doing the master cleanse fast for 10 days you get all your calories from limon juice and maple syrup allowing you to continue to work. Then just eat fruit, and salads, eat your fats at lunch the day before starting on fruits the breakfast the next day. Eat lots of fruits to receive
adepquate calories...at night sprouts and salad and a cooked meal if desired. Don´t eat after 6pm. Food has a frequency and once you get connected all your mental chatter will disappear. The foods you take out of your diet will improve your level of mental and physical health. The longer you stay raw the more cleaning you do. First 2 or three days are tough cause all your toxins are coming out..but day 4 and after it gets easier.
Blood quality improves due to eating live foods (sprouts, raw veggies, and wheat grass) (from dark green leafy vegeatables and ph is changed to alkaline getting you out of the loop of negative thoughts and stress from an overly acid condition which puts stress on the kidneys- which causes you to be worried and stressed. Eat your living foods at the beginning of the meal then finish with cooked foods. Learn food combining rules eg- never eat fruit after you´ve eaten a fat and wait a an hour before eating fat after fruit to stabilize your blood sugar levels. If your hungry eat more ripe fruit and brush and rinse your teeth between meals-very important. Avoid refined foods oils, and go easy on the nuts as they are 80% fat and you don´t want to give your gall bladder any problems. Start out with two raw meals a day-morning fruit and lunch sprouts garbanzo, lentil, nuts only a handful, and salad.
UltimatelyColonic irrigation once a month helps to purify the body and immediately improve blood quality. If you jump off the deep end too quickly into a raw diet..you could be overtaxing your liver this is why colonics are important. Yogis of old undertook physical purification called ¨shatkarmas¨ and fasting before attempting pranayams..or kriyas. If we keep eating toxic food meat, bread, milk...and cooked food over time we lose vital force our blood quality deteriorate and so does our level of consciousness. Meat despite being grounding keeps us locked in to our old patterns of conduct. Ana Brett to my knowledge is a popular KY instructor and a raw foodist. Sattavic diets have long been advocated to help us turn inward. As we are the only animal on the planet that cooks their food, why not give it a try? I´ve been doing this for 6months and i feel like a different person.- Sat Nam, Chris

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