Friday, April 30, 2010

[Kundalini Yoga] Re: the L in the sa ta na ma kriya--this is hearing the sound L?


Though I've only had a couple of KY lessons, I'm in the middle of doing a 40-day kirtan kriya, and my understanding is that the "L" is a visualisation. I imagine it like this:

The plumming metaphor: Imagine a pipe that goes from the top of my head to my perineum through which energy flows, the chakras existing at the end of pipes which connect to that main pipe. So the "L" in this case is where the light flows into the crown chakra and flows down to the point where it connects with the pipe leading to the third eye chakra. You're not allowing the light to just flow all the way down from the top of the main pipe to the bottom; you're actively directing it from the crown chakra to the third eye. So the "L" is that portion of the pipe system between crown and third eye.

The plant metaphor: Imagine a great stalk running through my body from perineum to crown. It has stems running off it at intervals which connect to the chakras (which I often see as flowers). The main stalk feeds those flowers by feeding them energy and nutrients. In this case, the "L" is the energy - the light - being poured in through the crown (like watering a plant), and being actively directed to the third eye to feed it. In fact, both crown and third eye are being "fed" - the crown by directly receiving the light, the third eye by receiving the light through the stem system from the crown.

My experience is that people vary in their ability to visualise. If you're good at "seeing" things, that's great. If not, you can be aware that you know that this is what's going on. I have been through cycles of seeing the "L" very clearly, and of having it fade almost to nothing - but I hung on to being very sure it was there. At this point, at 15 days in, the visualisation has become very clear indeed; I don't know if that will continue to be the case all the way through.

I hope that all made sense.

All the best

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