Tuesday, September 22, 2009

[Kundalini Yoga] Re: More Updates: 40 days


Thank you and Sat Nam! It is truly comforting to hear from another mother. I love the idea of offering a blessing for my family. I will do that.
I am doing the Maya Fiennes DVD 5 days a week, and am already noticing some amazing changes. It is a really powerful practice for me and I love the music.
I have chosen the Meditation for Rejuvenation from Gurmukh's book 8 Human Talents. You apply the root lock and chant aloud God and me, me and God are one. Since, changing my goal to 40 days of meditation, yesterday was my first day. So, I'm kind of starting late with that goal change...but right on time. :)
I am kind of blogging about my experience, but I also like the idea of keeping a personal journal. It will allow me to open up with myself even more.
I am overjoyed at the new awareness I have already. Instead of just riding the stress, anxiety, and anger, I feel it, recognize it, and can work to rid myself of it or go back to a more neutral state. Yesterday, while doing a kriya from the DVD I found myself just wanting to laugh and squeal for joy. I have never experienced that in yoga before. I have started letting my older child "do" the yoga with me. Today, she was tired, fidgeting, and noisy, so my experience wasn't as "uplifting", but I was still able to see it for what it was - a trial. I didn't react as I would have before by wanting to cry, or getting all out of sorts. I felt the stress and the want for peace, but it wasn't overwhelming and I was able to think of ways to remedy it in the future.

Thank you all for the support.
Be blessed,

--- In Kundaliniyoga@yahoogroups.com, "ramneetfl" <ramneetfl@...> wrote:
> I think you have designed an excellent sadhana for yourself for the next forty days. Can I make a couple of suggestions? Start a calendar or journal and record your practice- what you've done, how you feel, emotions, thoughts, etc. It doesn't have to be lengthy, but you will see a difference over time, and just quantifying your time in is rewarding in itself. Secondly, as a Mom, I've seen great results by adding blessings for my husband and each child in the conclusion of practice,thanking the universe for providing the bounty of my family, and asking for help in giving what they need. It takes seconds and reaps big rewards.
> <I have a wooshing sound in my left ear > It could be all the caffeine, or high blood pressure, but if not those, better see an ear (hearing) doctor, very soon
> <nightmares, or in the very least extremely odd dreams > Kirtan kriya is the subconscious cleaner, par excellence. You'll have to prioritize what to work on first, like the rest of us!
> <not being able to fall asleep no matter how tired I am> Back to the high caffeine consumption, again. Even if those 4 cups are all in the morning, it still can keep you up at night. Cut back, and see how bad the insomnia is. Then there are different things to try. Oddly enough, tea has something called theanine in it, which promotes sleep, so if you have a cup of decaf tea at bedtime, with a big spoonful of honey(promotes the release of melatonin and seratonin) and milk or almond milk (magnesium and calcium), it's pretty relaxing. Shabd kriya is a sleep promoter in the evening. Cherries, especially pie or sore cherries, are a natural source of tryptophan, in juice or just eaten daily. A warm bath (everyone's heard that, right?) and relaxing music . There are some sleep kriyas around, too.
> You're heading off in the right direction, and it is a journey!

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