Thursday, March 18, 2010

[Kundalini Yoga] Introduction and question about breathing


Hi everyone.
I would like to introduce myself. I am Mike and I am from New Jersey. I
have been practicing yoga for roughly 2 years. I started with ashtanga, then
moved to kundalini for a little while and now I am practicing by a book
called "A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques of Yoga and
Kriya" by Satyananda Saraswati, which starts with what the author calls
Integral Yoga, which includes hatha,raja,mantra,karma,bhakti, jhana,
kundalini and kriya yoga.

Here is my this question:
In pranayama it is said that you should not force the air in, but
sometimes for no reason my left nostril gets very congested during my
practice and it is hard to breath through that nostril without making any
noise or in other words without adding a little force. I know what it feels
like when one nostril is more open then the other, but in some situations it
seems like one of the nostrils get almost completely stuffed up. I do not
have any allergies and do not take any sort of medication. I noticed even
when I am sitting at work, I will check my nostrils one hour and one would
be fully open and the other almost fully open and then an hour later one of
them would be completely clogged up and the other fully open. It seems this
happens without any sort of change in the external environment. Has anyone
ever investigated this sort of thing?
BTW, I have been doing jala neti for about 5 months and it helped a bunch,
but i still sometimes run into the situation described above.
Anyone have any suggestions?

With Love,

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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