Friday, October 16, 2009

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Siddhi question


Hi Jeff,
Thank you for your reply.
I guess I'm searching for a way function at work. I don't consider myself to be healthy if I end up massively overstimulated. My original goal was always on enlightment. However, I definitely would want to keep the abilities and possibly use them to help me deal with others in a way that frees them from suffering. There seems to be no way to shut off a siddhi. The cat is out of the bag and I can't erase my new views of reality. If there is a way to safely be inherently omniscient then pretty much nothing like consciousness would be a mystery as there wouldn't be
anything that I don't know...I can do this in a very limited sense right now. I need to find a way to come in and out of the state that causes the siddhi. Based on what I'm going through it doesn't feel like it's healthy for the mind to always be extracting info...some gland is over acting.

I'm disillusioned...not exactly at a cross roads. The Zen idea of being free from suffering is that you need to stop wanting to be free from it. Samsara is Nirvana. Yay. I understand enlightenment from an intellectual point of view but don't feel like I'm free. I'm full of ego clinging and getting tangled up in thoughts no matter what I do.

I've never seen any world class siddhi like
telekinesis or flying but I won't rule it out.

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