Monday, October 12, 2009

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] at the end of a meditation - the breath ...?


Sat Nam, Adi Singh

Thank you for the answers.

If I understand well, you're saying that if there's no an instruction at the end of a meditation like: hold the breath for 10sec or smtg like that- I shouldn't do any mulbhand or hold the breath ?

--- In, jose rodriguez <rocketrodz@...> wrote:
> Sat Nam Sat Sangat
> �
> The answer to your inquiry would be to ask your Kundalini Yoga teacher.� But I feel you probably don�t have access to a teacher or a class, otherwise you would not be asking.� Perhaps.� Then my answer will be:
> �
> Find a Kriya of the many that are available in books and on-line.� Kriya for Elevation may be a good example that might answer your first question.� It has the asanas and pranayama combinations�(Breath of Fire, Cobra and Sat Kriya)�that you may be looking or.� Do it for 1,000 days, or until you find a Kundalini Yoga Class/teacher.� The answer will come.
> �
> As for the second question, at the risk of loosing my previous point by answering it, here I go.
> �
> �
> That is found in the Gunpati Kriya Meditation I.� It was/is a meditation for Lord Ganesh because as remover of all obstacles, it clears the blocks from Karma.� Keep in mind, and before somebody misinterprets this as idol worshiping, that it is the energetic emanation of the Mantra what clears the Karmic path.� In mankind�s anthropomorphism Lord Ganesh was, and is,�its representation.� Nothing wrong with that.� Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha, the mool mantra of Lord Ganesh is chanted by thousands, if not millions of people with the same purpose.� But in Kundalini Yoga, we use the whole system concept, Prana/Energy/Chakra/Body and Projection.�
> �
> SAA: Infinity
> TAA: Life
> NAA: Death
> MAA: Rebirth
> RAA: Sun's energy
> MAA: Moon's energy
> DAA: Earth's energy
> SAA: Total boundless Infinite Cosmos
> SAY: SAA's manifestation, the personal experience
> SO: Personal Identity
> HUNG: Infinite in manifested, perceptible vibration: SO HUNG: "I am Thou".
> �
> This is what I call the "To Infinity and Beyond...and Back Home" mantra.� Contemplate on it and you will see.� SAA is the link between Infinite and Finite, the bending of the "horizontal eight" Infinite symbol� !
> �
> Sat Nam and Blessings.
> �
> Adi Singh
> �
> --- On Mon, 10/12/09, sat_sangat <momenat@...> wrote:
> From: sat_sangat <momenat@...>
> Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] at the end of a meditation - the breath ...?
> To:
> Date: Monday, October 12, 2009, 2:58 AM
> �
> Sat Nam !
> I've been practicing several meditations and one question keeps coming to me. After what kinfd of meditations I can apply the mulbhand and after which I shouldn't ?
> Also, I suppose that this technique is to rise the energie and rise-open the consciousness ?
> Another question I've got is about the mantra sa ta na ma ra ma da sa sa se so hung. Can anybody give me translation , please ?
> Peace & Love
> Sat Sangat
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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