Saturday, April 21, 2012

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] ...Yogi Bhajan about missing sadhana....


Sat Nam Ranjit Kaur,
If your intention is "mastery", which is a diamond, you've blown it
and need to start over. If you are trying to overcome a habit and break
up it's inertia in your life, you have slid back to the status quo for a
minute. Dig in, self examine ("Self-hatred"), re-inspire yourself (Hope)
and get back on the wagon. You need both some level of un-happiness with
yourself AND what you want to gain, otherwise what's reason for doing it
. There is always a reason,...and if one thinks everything is just fine
that's nothing a little honest introspection, reflection and space can't
Love returns when we focus deeply and do it in the Amrit Vela
(3-6am). Cooling the fires and Finding Refuge within Simran and Resonance.
Food for Thought: Limbic center and it's connection to Prefrontal
Cortex is repaired by mind-body work. I/we can get beyond reactive
nature, and relate to the bigger sense. Been reading from Buddha's Brain
. If you have a minute check out page 53, 91 and 103 (or do your own
search for "Limbic") at

We yogis have something to offer those who can't seem to do the _right
thing_ in life, always living only for now. Drugs, crime, violent
behavior, any self-destructive behavior have some connection to the
disconnect between the Limbic center and the PFC (Pre-frontal Cortex).
Concentration, Mindfulness, pranayam, chanting all build and strengthen
these neuronal pathways. 30 to 60 days of 31 minutes will completely
change a person's life.

Can you say Ek Ong Kar?

Sat Nam,

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To shine my own light --- that's my quest.
As for music, well, it's just the scent of the rose.
- Bobby McFerrin

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