Friday, September 24, 2010

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] insult and resentment


Sat Nam Akkama;

The mind, as part of Prakrti, and under the influence of the Gunas, is the one that suffers. The Soul does not. 

The ever flowing relationship of purusha and prakrti which will be there as long as there is a Soul incarnated will usually be balanced in favor of the mind and our emotions. That is how the mind keeps us grounded.  But does it have to be that way?  This is hard to understand, specially when we are at the receiving end of slander and insult, but even harder to understand is the concept that there is a purpose for all that.

To base a reference on how to respond or deal with resentment is to admit that we have surrendered to the tamasic effects of the mind.  If we move in the direction of the Neutral Mind, we will not have to deal with resentment or insult.  We need to understand that we are not to follow the mind. Then the question is not how to deal with the resentment but how to come to a state of mind where resentment does not develop. Then, slander and insult will have no effect on us.  This is not easy but is doable. One way is to work towards developing, or better yet, expressing more fully the Objective Mind with full awareness of our feelings and emotions (Negative Mind at work).

You see, when we read and study the lives of the Gurus and Saints, and all great leaders in humanity, we become aware of the "other cheek" effect.  This is a profound teaching that only shows us that we can live right on the middle of the path through a Neutral Mind.

But how do we work towards that?  Daily Jap Ji Sahib, chant it in Gurmuki, then throughout the day, read and contemplate its meaning in your language, English, Spanish, etc. Carry with you a copy of the Sacred Nitnem and contemplate on different passages throughout the day, on every opportunity you may have. Morning Sadhana Mantras, specially Rakhe Rakan Har which plows away all obstacles so you can meet your destiny.  Chant these Mantras in your heart.  And third, study the lives of the Gurus.  Finally, do Kriyas that work on the Neutral Mind. 

Allow your Soul to vector your life.

Adi Singh

--- On Tue, 9/21/10, akkamahadevi avanti <> wrote:

From: akkamahadevi avanti <>
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] insult and resentment
Date: Tuesday, September 21, 2010, 9:41 AM


Sat Nam,

How should one deal with resentment caused due to deep slander and insult?



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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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