Sunday, January 10, 2010

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Re: Har meditation for prosperity


Eyes are closed for this meditation.
I good resource is the website
see bellow a copy

of the prosperity meditation.
Sat Nam,
Livia se

Meditation For Prosperity

Meditation For Prosperity
The Teachings of Yogi Bhajan ©2008
Sit in an Easy Pose, with a light jalandhar bandh.
Eyes: The eyes are closed, looking up, focusing at the
Brow Point. Alternatively, you may have the eyes open,
looking down at the tip of the nose.
The eyes are closed, looking up, focusing at the
Brow Point. Alternatively, you may have the eyes open,
looking down at the tip of the nose.
Mudra: Put the elbows by the sides, with the forearms
parallel to the ground. The hands are pointing forward,
with the palms facing up, wrists straight. Touch the
thumbs to the tips of the index fingers. Chant the mantra
in a steady cadence.
Put the elbows by the sides, with the forearms
parallel to the ground. The hands are pointing forward,
with the palms facing up, wrists straight. Touch the
thumbs to the tips of the index fingers. Chant the mantra
in a steady cadence.
This mantra uses the three qualities of HAR—seed, flow,
and completion—unto the ecstatic Infinity of God.
Time: Continue for 11-31 minutes.
Continue for 11-31 minutes.
This meditation provides guidance, and the way through
any block. The future is clear, without anxiety. Every
cause has an impact and an orbit of effect. This
meditation allows you to use the Neutral Mind to intuit
all the expected and unexpected impacts of the mental
thoughts you feel now, or that were a part of you in the
past. If this part of you is unbalanced, people will
distance themselves socially out of subconscious fear of
your perception, bluntness, and truth. When balanced,
you gain wisdom and self-guidance to hold in trust all
that comes to you. You are never swayed by abundance
and hold closely to the path.

-----Original Message-----
From: sat_sangat <>
Sent: Sun, Jan 10, 2010 4:42 am
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] Re: Har meditation for prosperity

Anderson and all yogis on this forum !

I'm doing this meditation for 40 days and have a doubt of doing it right...
The thing is that I tried to find out the answer but didn't succed.
Maybe I'm doing it corectly actualy..

So, my questions is :

as my meditation for the prosperity goes like this :
chanting HAR HAR HAR... while hitting the endges of palms (little fingers ans palms) at saying har at the level of heart and after that hands go in the level of the ears ... maybe Im not so clear, excuse me, english is not my mothers tongue..

Does the meditation has to be done with eyes closed or open the 1/10th and at the tip oft he nose ?

I apreciate a lot your taking time to help


Sat Sangat / Tanja

--- In, "veganderson" <veganderson@...> wrote:
> Hello!
> I did the "har" meditation for 40 days and it didn't seem to work for me when it comes to prosperity.
> The meditation I did it is the first one in Subagh Kriya.
> I read somewhere on the internet that Guru Rattana said we must set an intention before starting the meditation or it will not work. Actually it will work, but if we think about nothing we'll get nothing. I didn't set any intention when I did it.
> I'd like to know if this meditation alone is enough or the whole Subagh Kriya should be done. I also would like you people to share your experiences with prosperity meditations if you feel like.
> Some people don't like to mix prosperity/money issues with spirituality, but I think that we need money and material resources to be able to express our full potencials here on this planet since we're living a partially material experience.
> Also, I'd like to know what the eyes focus should be in the SPIRITUAL WARRIOR MEDITATION FOR PROSPERITY that you can find at Guru Rattana's website:
> I'm also having problems to decide which mudra to use on this one....hehehe
> Hugs!
> Anderson
> from Brazil

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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