Sunday, May 2, 2010

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Psychic question


Hi Karen,
Thank you for your feedback. I was doing well for a few readings but then I had trouble getting anything during meditation. I did so well for a few people and then really badly. It's sad and frustrating to have bad readings when I practice everyday. Maybe, I'm not truly interested in it or that I'm not ready to do it.
There's so many jobs out there where the process isn't that interesting. I know that my skills improved with meditation. I'm learning about things that should have seemed obvious about psychic work but just kind of hit me as I go along on the journey.

From: Karen Abbott <>
Sent: Fri, April 30, 2010 4:00:28 PM
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] Psychic question

My understanding is that in any area of life you can pick up a skill, but if you want it to remain in good form, you have to keep practicing. Use it or lose it (or at least have it go very rusty for lack of attention).

If you're serious about working as a reader, then you'll be using whatever skills you acquire on a regular basis for the specific purposes you're aiming at, would you not? That would suggest that those specific skills would not go rusty (though you might get stuck in a rut if you do the same thing day in, day out).

Having been Wiccan for many years, I can promise you that you get out of Wiccan spiritual practice of whatever variety what you put into it, and I assume that to hold true for any path. I've never met a Wiccan (or Druid, or Hellenic Reconstructionist, or Ceremonial Magician, or other person on a spiritual path) who suddenly gained psychic powers through practice; they all had some level of sensitivity, from "I regularly have predictive dreams" to "I have no capacity for energy work" - and the only predictor of whether or not they became skilled at using their sensitivity had to do with whether or not they worked at it with an open heart and a willingness to mess up and own and learn from mistakes in order to make progress.

I find that learning for the love of it, rather than simply as a means to an end, makes the process meaningful and more likely to produce positive results in life. It often takes you to places you didn't expect to be.

All the best

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