Monday, May 31, 2010

RE: [Kundalini Yoga] Sstarting a small group - is this OK?


I 've been told by qualified teachers (actually, they teach/certified
Kundalini Yoga teachers) that if you teach using the Kriyas as created by
Yogi Bhajan, you'll be OK. There are any number of books (Relax and Renew;
Transition to a Heart Centered World, etc.) which have wonderful Kriyas and
other info.

I was told I SHOULD teach (I've been practicing K-Yoga and other styles for
over 15 years) -- and will be getting my "certification" -- but I do
currently teach.


Sat Nam,

I live in a small isolated community of around 40 people and there are 5 or
6 of us who want to practice Kundalini. As I have the most experience I have
offered to lead the group as best as I can but I have been told by a
Qualified Kundalini Yoga teacher that it is dangerous for me to do this and
there is no way they could support or help me in any way as it would be
unethical for them to do so.

I am not a qualified teacher, but I do have over 15 years experience of
practicing various kinds of yoga and about 4 months experience of daily
Kundalini practice.

From what I have read it seems more important to continue practice than to
not do anything at all and that meeting like minded people once a week to go
through a class together would be really good and should be perfectly OK...
I also believe that the mantra ONG NA MO GURU DEV NA MO is specifically for
tuning into the masters of Kundalini so we can be guided by them.

I need a second opinion - is what I am doing wrong?

Blessings of love and light
Jap Dharam Xx

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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