Sat Nam,
I am near Wigan in the Manchester area of the North West, I hope that a KY teacher locates there in the near future. Your idea of a get together sounds good too.
Dhyan Kaur
--- On Fri, 7/5/10, Julie Garner <jul333z@yahoo.
From: Julie Garner <jul333z@yahoo.
Subject: Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Intro
To: Kundaliniyoga@
Date: Friday, 7 May, 2010, 13:56
Sat Nam! The seeds are sown...
It looks like we already have a community... just waiting to meet each other!!! :-)
I'm based in Widnes & have a class on a Wednesday night - anyone wishing to join me for this would be more than welcome. Also if at anytime anyone would like to come together to share Sadhana or KY or just to chat & share experiences let me know as this is something I personally would love to see happen.
Lets be the change we wish to see...
Julie x
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From: dawny hosking <dawnyhosking@ uk>
To: Kundaliniyoga@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Thu, 6 May, 2010 15:18:52
Subject: Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Intro
Sat Nam,
I agree, I am in the North West and really hope that some time soon there is a KY community and classes. Enjoy the journey.
Dhyan Kaur x
--- On Thu, 6/5/10, Julie Garner <jul333z@yahoo. com> wrote:
From: Julie Garner <jul333z@yahoo. com>
Subject: Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Intro
To: Kundaliniyoga@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Thursday, 6 May, 2010, 13:07
Hi Karen
I just wanted to say welcome and wish you all the best!
I'm a KY teacher based in Cheshire and its really good news that more and more people are being led to this wonderful yoga. Wouldnt it great if one day soon we could get our own thriving KY community within the north west?? I dont believe we are too far away from that and I for one would really welcome it! :-)
Take special care and I truly wish you much joy and blessings on your journey...
Sat Nam
Julie x
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From: karenkundalini <karenkundalini@ uk>
To: Kundaliniyoga@ yahoogroups. com
Sent: Sun, 18 April, 2010 21:09:10
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] Intro
I understand that it's good form to make a brief introductory post.
Hi - I'm Karen. The email address is dreadfully cheezy, but I had to make a yahoo account specifically to join, so...
I'm in east Cheshire in the UK (north west England), and have only had 1 KY class thus far. There are very few KY teacher in the UK outside the London area, as far as I can tell. I'm lucky that I can take a 45 minute train ride to the nearest class, and have embarked on a 6-class course. I have a strong positive feeling about the teacher and the yoga. I've very little experience of yoga generally, though lots of experience with energy work. In looking for a deep, comprehensive physical-spiritual discipline (which I believe I really need), KY is very attractive.
I recently trained as a hypno-psychotherapi st, I'm a trained massage therapist, and I've taught meditation - usually of the guided type. I'm currently kick-starting a co-operative to provide multiple therapies to the local community (having never been in business in my life, this is both terrifying and exciting). Over the past couple of years, the slow process of dealing with my Baggage has accelerated; this year, it's gone into overdrive, and I stumbled across KY at just the time I felt I was ready for it.
Yahoo is a whole new experience for me, so please bear with me as I stumble and flounder along!
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