Thursday, May 6, 2010

RE: [Kundalini Yoga] re: Psychic question



You mention a scattered mind ... have you tried a regular Sadhana practice
every morning, rain or shine, tired or energized? It doesn't have be to
long -- even try to just do the Aquarian chant for 11 minutes or so. It
will help you become more focused and will allow your mind to quiet so
"answers" can come through.

What do some of you others think?

Life is what we make it. Always has been, always will be.

- Grandma Moses


From: []
On Behalf Of Jerica Summers
Sent: Wednesday, May 05, 2010 5:14 PM
Subject: Re: [Kundalini Yoga] re: Psychic question

Thanks for your feedback. The experience did bother me but I still continued
with a reading and it didn't go as badly as I thought it would. I would love
to get a major break through that would allow me to spend an hour with a
person and get lots of helpful fortune telling stuff. As it stands now, I
take each person and spend a week on them, around 30 minutes a day. There's
just so much other information that I get and have to filter through. I have
a very scattered mind.

From: Karen Abbott <karenkundalini@ <>>
To: Kundaliniyoga@ <>
Sent: Mon, May 3, 2010 11:08:54 AM
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] re: Psychic question

Hi, Jerica -

Maybe it would help to not stress about it, and just let your bodymind
integrate what it's learned before moving on to the next lot of information/
practice? My experience is that I make a breakthrough with something
(anything!), it all begins to go smoothly, then I find I hit difficulties,
and if I'm kind to myself and give myself space to just be with that
experience, it starts to resolve itself. Rinse, lather, repeat. Or maybe I'm
just a particularly slow learner :)

All the best

--- In Kundaliniyoga@ yahoogroups. com, Jerica Summers <jericasummers@ ...>
> Hi Karen,
> Thank you for your feedback. I was doing well for a few readings but then
I had trouble getting anything during meditation. I did so well for a few
people and then really badly. It's sad and frustrating to have bad readings
when I practice everyday. Maybe, I'm not truly interested in it or that I'm
not ready to do it.
> There's so many jobs out there where the process isn't that interesting. I
know that my skills improved with meditation. I'm learning about things that
should have seemed obvious about psychic work but just kind of hit me as I
go along on the journey.

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