SatNaam Jerica,
Guru Nanak Dev ji sat serving people grain when he worked in the
storehouse. Pretty boring wasn't it?
But when the time came Guru Nanak Dev ji got up and walked in all four
directions to reach out to souls. Pretty exciting - travel the world,
meeting great yogis, saints, sinners, create a community and so on.
From your perspective, would you think that Guru Nanak was sitting serving
the grain thinking "this is really boring God,
I've got much more to do with my life than this?" And then do you think, he
made a plan to do something more fulfilling with his life -
to spread the word?
That is the way we in the world think - from perspective of what makes "me"
happy, what "I" want, what "I" dont want.
I=ego =haumai
want=desire =trishna,
Guru Nanak Dev ji writes, get out of both of them
So we can see that Guru Nanak Dev ji was doing that seeimingly pretty boring
job (to us) of selling grain without ego and wants i.e. without complaints
and without false dreams of making a better future for himself. so what was
he doing to contain the restlesess and wandering mind, he was in love with
the Truth - SatNaam. With every pouring of grain, with every moment he was
absorbed in SatNaam. so much so, that once he was counting out portions, and
when he got to the thirteenth portion, which is TERA in punjabi, he went
into a rapture - TERA TERA TERA TERA - which also means YOURS YOURS YOURS in
punjabi. Then his co-workers complained that Nanak was giving grain away
without charging (He was so in love with SatNaam, he no longer bothered
about charging and became 100% giver), ,but when the boss checked the
accounts were correct.
And then what made Guru Nanak get up and spread the word in all 4 directions
for the next 40 years? Not his own want, not his own dissatisfaction, not
his own plan to make a better life. But God's Want, which is called HUKAM,
which is when SatNaam works through you to help others with the blessings of
God;s Name and Humbleness.
Guru Nanak Dev ji promoted the most boring of tasks combined with doing your
SatNaam SatNaam rememberance (simran) into a pathway for spiritual union.
So if you see Gurdwaras, they are full of people cooking, cleaning,
preparing food, wiping, washing, serving, hoovering - all the mundane tasks
that most people hate doing, but when you surrender and do it for the love
of your Guru, with Satnaam on your lips and service on your fingertips, then
it all becomes divine - peace of mind, love, light and contentment in Truth.
When you pray to God and say, "However you keep me is what I am happy with,
please just keep me in your service doing simran," then you will find the
peace of mind you are looking for. Then your ego and desires will cool
down, then nothing is boring, nothing is unfullfilling. In surrendering
your ego and wants you find the Truth, in chasing your desires to fulfill
your ego, you well get short term satisfaction if you get what you want, or
you will get more frustrations and hatred in your workplace if you cant get
Its not about what job we are doing in life, its about seeing God in that
time and place - tell me is there any place or job that God is not in?
Its just an illusion that we think we will find God doing something else.
When you say to God, "If you keep me in this job for the next 10 years or
next 100 lifetimes, that is fine with me - just keep me in your service,
keep me in your simran." Then you surrender. And what will happen? You
have leanred your lesson, your consciousness has gone up to the next level.
And things will happen to move you onto your next chapter in life - as per
your karma and as per the blessings received.
We hope this makes sense. Its not about what you are doing, it about your
attitude and your love, trust and complete surrender that Satnaam SatGuru is
doing what iss best for you.
Dust of your feet
Re: Psychic question /// Harjit
Posted by: "Jerica Summers"
Sat May 15, 2010 5:49 pm (PDT)
Hi Harjit,
Thank you for such a long insightful answer. From what I've read the psychic
stuff is not a way to measure spiritual progress, it's attained and improved
my using it.
I don't believe that rats who get to run on a wheel in a cage are
spiritually impaired for wanting something better. If you get a bag of
product in bulk and are asked to separate, bag and
price it into smaller groups and this was all you did wouldn't you want
Nirvana is samsara. If I'm here permanently in different ways I should be
able to find some way of supporting myself with work that's fulfilling (and
I know there's ultimately neither here nor there but emptiness is also a
concept and so there is a here and there after all). I'm not asking for a
mansion, cadillac and a big boat. IMO. Spiritual progress isn't about
denying the world nor is it about thinking that things are real.
Geez I'm bored.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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