Sat Nam
These e-mails on mantra for protection moved me to write the following lines. Just my thoughts in a wandering evening after spending all afternoon yesterday in Kris and meditations in a Yoga Workshop, and after spending most of my day, Sunday, in contemplation. Just words on my position on the use of a mantra for protection.
Wage Guru!
The Path of Drama is not compatible with chanting out Mantras to reverse other's intentions. Only those who wish to remain under the Law of Karma will persists in doing such things. Self-protection by doing so is just a deception of our minds and egos. For a second, as I read these e-mails, I thought I was in a ceremonial magic group. We should not misuse the living teaching examples of our Teachers to justify our actions.
Yogi Bhajan taught that example, quoted in the message below, for a reason. A teaching reason.
There is something very important we should understand and perhaps clear the confusion when we hear about a Master like Yogi Bhajan calling upon Baba Siri Chand. This involves the Law of Karma. Remember how Yogi Bhajan explained this Law and how, through Dharma, we can direct ourselves so that our actions don´t cause reactions. An action is an action whether rightly or wrongly intended. An action can only be performed through intention and desire. Without them no action can be done. All action will carry the feeling, the thought of reward. To brake this cycle, and follow the Soul´s intentions, we must act desireless, detached from the action. We must work through a Neutral Mind. But how do we do this in the presence of the mind's facets?
How can we invoke somebody or chant a mantra for protection without involving the ego, the mind, the desire? By being detached! And that is how the Master did it! But...are we there yet? We are not him! Otherwise we are just using mantras as charms, amulets and instruments of our minds. That is magick. And that is not the intent of a mantra, much less of calling on a Master or Guru.
Be very careful when using mantras to satisfy the ego, the mind, and the fears they rise.
This is where Guru's Grace comes in, for so long as we have not achieved a state of desirelessness, we should leave the results of all events and actions in the hands of Guru. Surrendering is the way. This does not mean giving up, but surrendering like all the Gurus and Masters have taught us to.
The Gita says: that The aim of human life is...That a man should put his mind to yogic action. He should have fraternal thoughts for all fellow beings and should consider himself to be present in all, while everything pervades in him. Ch 6-29.
When love awakes in us, for we all have love, it comes in the Soul, our mind keeps us happy and without worries. Nothing can harm us, for harm only comes to the one who lives in worry and fear.
Surrendering to Guru, surrendering one's self, is the path of Dharma. Unless we turn that into an action, nothing can be achieved on our Path.
That is why we say "Wahe Guru", when we are aware of the Indescribable Wisdom we, like the drop in the ocean, are immersed in.
"Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo", the key to direction in all we do.
Remember, it is not what is done to us. It is not what happens to us what matters. It is how we react to it that matters.
Now, how did Yogi Bhajan do it? This is how I understand it, by this verse from the Gita:
"O Arjun, renounce all self-interest and consider reward and punishment alike. Engage yourself in spiritual practice and then perform the action. Such action is free from effect, and you should perform all your actions in this manner." Chapter 2/49
"A person who attains this state of mind is free from both sin and virtue. You should, O Arjun, always act in such a manner, because it is this type of action which is called 'Karma Yoga', the science of karmaless (reactionless) action." 2/50
Christians have a wonderful saying: "What would Jesus do?" There is a lot of Truth behind that. That is exactly the same as being in Guru's presence.
Kabir used to say:
"When I was, the Guru was not.
Now that he is, I am not.
In the narrow lane of love
There is no room for two."
What would Guru do? What would our Soul do?
That is the question. We just need to listen.
Sat Nam and Blessings to every one on the Path.
Adi Singh
--- On Sun, 9/20/09, Sadhana Seva <sadhana72002@
From: Sadhana Seva <sadhana72002@
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] RE: Mantra for portection
To: "kundalini Yoga" <kundaliniyoga@
Date: Sunday, September 20, 2009, 1:38 PM
Sat Nam everyone,
I found some info on the mantra, I just copy and past the info. This seems to be a bit potent, so approach with caution.
are times when we feel the effects of someone's negative psychic
energy. Whether that be negative conversation about us, attempts to
control us, invasion by their unwanted sexual energy, and so on. Or,
someone may actually do some kind of ritual against us that we might
call Black Magic.
Luckily, we have an incredible protector against that.
He is Baba Siri Chand, an extraordinary Himalayan yogi who was a son of the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak. They lived in the 1500s.
you sense some negative psychic energy coming your way, just call on
him with the mantra below. But only repeat the mantra once per event!
Although Shakti Parhwa Kaur, "mother of 3HO" suggests once per day!
But no more! If you do it more, it is said that it could backfire!
The words are:
That's it! In fact this sends that negativity back to the originator.
Bhajan told the story many times of when he had given up "supernatural"
yogic powers, a fellow invited Yogi Bhajan to his home. Pretty soon,
Yogi Bhajan felt an extreme heat rising in his seat. He realized that
it was coming from this guy's psychic powers to test Yogi Bhajan's
yogic abilities. But since Yogi Bhajan had sworn off of them, he
sought for a way to save the situation. So, he called on Baba Siri
Chand in this way, and almost immediately, his intrusive host shot up
from his seat and ran out of the room as though his pants were on fire!"
Guru Sadhana Seva
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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