Saturday, September 12, 2009

[Kundalini Yoga] Re: Interuptions and Health


I've been meaning to respond because I remember well being so tired-to-the-bone with small children at home. We always hear about not getting enough sleep with a newborn, but who is prepared for maybe years of not enough sleep? And another thing that I was not unexpecting was the weight of children's psychic attachment to Mom. I, too, take synthetic thyroid, but didn't get it until more recently. Fortunately, I surprised myself and quit my job, staying home with my children, was able to take afternoon naps, and still do, several days a week! So hopefully some of these suggestions will be useful; wish I'd known then what I know now.

Since you're worn out and irritable as a result, you need more rest. Forget 8 hours- that's not a rule, just an average. Maybe your requirement is 10 (like Sophia Loren), after you get caught up. Your 17 month old must still be taking naps, so catch a nap if you're sleepy when the baby naps. Make restoring yourself the first priority before athletics. The 4 year old can have quiet time in his/her room if he's not sleepy, looking at books, playing quietly, listening to music, or coloring.

So maybe 2 1/2 hours straight of yoga isn't achievable- you split it up however it works for you, or maybe just not do it for as long right now. Being a Mom expands your heart by about a thousand-fold, wouldn't you agree? How many heart-opening exercises would a non-Mom have to do to achieve that? So you're already way ahead! You can throw out your timetable and afford to coast a bit!

So, yes, concentrate on restoring yourself and feeling supported.
Specifically, I would recommend the "releasing inner anger" set for instant pychotherapy, which is available on a Yogi Bhajan dvd,or here:

You can really let it rip when you get to the parts of pounding on the floor! Think about every injustice or slight you've ever endured, and get that negative energy out, where it can be converted into something more useful. You'll be amazed, and less reactive after you've done it a few times.

Also, to rebuild your energy and cool anger in your heart- sitali breath (inhale thru a curled tongue, exhale thru nose) while internally chanting ra ma da sa sa say so hung on the inhale and again the exhale is so healing. Put one hand over the other over your heart, because when you heal yourself, you as Mom heal your whole family. Do it for at least 11 minutes.

Another pranayam that would be great to do is "shabad kriya". Guru Rattana has free online lessons, too, and has a nice explanation of it here, lesson 16:

I've found it to be exceptionally restorative, but it takes some practice to get the full benefits. The benefits are far beyond sleep; it's great for your whole nervous system and builds prana big-time.

Of course, you ought to cut back on coffee- who wouldn't be crabby with 4 cups a day? If you knock out 1 cup at first, I doubt you'll get a headache. When you're used to that, cut out another. If you get a headache, drink a cup of green tea. It just doesn't seem to make the heat of anger the way coffee does.

Good luck, hope this helps, let us know how you are doing. These are big times in your life.

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