Sat Nam, John,
How about taking Kundulini yoga teacher training some place convenient (all teachers listed, look for 'Teachers' link http://www.yogatech
Best of luck to you,
Prem Siri Kaur
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-----Original Message-----
From: John Poole <jpoole95@gmail.
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 2009 12:35:51
To: <kundaliniyoga@
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] New member Intro - John Poole
Hello all!
I have been involved with different meditation and yoga practices for ~38
years! But I am still a beginner...
I discovered Kundalini in 1981 and practiced using the Sadhana manual, no
teacher. A number of things
started happening with my Third Eye and energy levels and I did not know how
to handle it or how to
proceed from where I was. So I stopped Kundalini practices. But after all
these years, it still has a
hold on me! This has always remained an open, guiding lifelong realization
that still needs to be
explored and ultimately actualized.
I would like to find out (from within this group) what would be the best way
to re-start things.
Do I need a teacher/class situation? Open to suggestions?
Married 27 years to Betsy, 2 children - 26 and 23.
Live in Greenville, SC (have not found any KY instructors here)
Computer SAP software consultant - project work requiring travel
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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