Monday, September 14, 2009

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Re: Interuptions and Health


Hi Kelli,
> How do I get beyond getting angry when I am interrupted? I get so upset I could cry.
> My heart pounds and I feel like bursting into tears.
Kundalini yoga & meditation will help to calm your nervous system. When it is excited your negative reactions to events tend to be more powerful.

> See I am dealing with hypothyroid....
I am not a doctor but I think a lot of very stressed/emotional people suffer from this and it may be one of the many problems that lessen if you do a serious yoga practice.

> I counter that with 4 cups of coffee in the mornings so I can function.
But coffee over-excites the nervous system which only makes things worse!

> ... trying to balance that sadness and fatigue. The sadness is caused by the fatigue.
And the other way round too!

Kundalini yoga 'wakes up' your awareness of what goes on inside you and also helps things inside you to re-adjust you, it calms your nervous system and weakens your habits - this is your habits of moving and of feeling too. This person that bothers you has become such a habit that they make you feel negative when they aren't even there! Wont it be wonderful if this habit of feeling goes away and you can feel good when the things around you right now are good?
It is good to give up coffee but if that is at all hard then don't. Put your energy into doing the yoga. I just naturally take in less bad food and drink as my internal sensitivity wakes up.
It is good to change your reaction to the things that hurt you but that is hard so try a bit but don't hurt yourself by trying and failing - just put your energy and time into the yoga.

Do the kriyas for 40 days without a gap (it is better to do it 1/2 length than to not do it at all) and always do the deep relaxation. It is the every day doing the same that 'shakes us up' so the quietness of the relaxation makes us wake up inside.
You don't work directly to fix your problems - work hard on yoga and the things inside you will work on your problems.

This is how it has been for me - although I am not at all perfect yogi - I have a long way to go - but all the time I have spent has repaid me in so many ways.

Best kriya to do? I can't say I don't know enough - but any kriya on a dvd should be good. It is the doing it for 40 days (or longer) that is most important. It may take weeks before you start to see the point of this regular daily practice.

I wish you luck and perserverance,


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