Thursday, September 17, 2009

[Kundalini Yoga] Re: Update: Interruptions and Health


That is so terrific you are making a big commmitment to your practice! You will advance very rapidly by practicing 5X/ week instead of haphazardly like many of us start out :} So be happy about what you do achieve and give yourself a break!

Ha, ha, ha; yes your friends and family might talk if they hear you singing in strange tongues, and you might not be ready to talk about it yourself just yet. But it's my understanding that meditations are more important to be practiced daily for 40 days and up than are kriyas, for the most part. But couldn't you do silent meditations on the weekends while visiting? One reason I mentioned those 2 pranayamas is that they are powerful meditations combined with the breath (pavan guru), and so you could do them quietly. The sitali meditation is very cooling for your heart anger. YB said if you increase your lung capacity to 100 ccs (whatever size that is), you change your consciousness. And Ravi Singh said on one of his dvds (Bliss Hips,for mood mastery, maybe)that every negative emotional state is associated with a particular breathing pattern, so if you find yourself slipping, change your breathing. If those pranayams sound too difficult, pick one you like on the dvds you have and really get into them with mantra for the 40 days- relax, deepen, and lengthen your breath and they will change you, guaranteed.

PS Kelli, if you get an mp3 player, you can listen quietly to mantra music while practicing. It doesn't have to be an expensive one, and you can download a lot of mantra music individually for 99 cents at amazon, spirit voyage, and I-Tunes.

--- In, Kelli Haywood <kudzumountain@...> wrote:
> Thank you tremendously for all the well wishes and advice. I so desperately need it at this time. Any positive support I can get. Yesterday, I started a 40 day practice. Right now I'm doing a Hatha Yoga for Your Cycle because I'm not sure how to approach Kundalini during this monthly time. Yet, I'm trying to keep focused. I'm blogging about my efforts as well. Today, started good, but now I'm feeling the anger creeping in and aggravation. I don't know where it comes from because it is without reason. After my cycle, I'm going to do the Maya Fiennes Detox and Destress. This is one I really enjoyed doing from the DVDs I tried, as well as Gurmukh's, so that will be next. I chose the Maya Fiennes DVD first because it is more restorative.
> I usually don't do yoga on the weekends as we are usually staying with friends and relatives on the weekends and I wouldn't be able to have the uninterrupted time. Plus, none of them really understand yoga and when chanting is involved... well you can imagine. Will 2 days off at the end of the week negate the rest of the week if I am dedicating 40 days? Maybe doing a meditation on those days would be more helpful. I could probably work that out.
> Keith - Thank you for the suggestion to not fight it - to let the yoga work for me. The thing is here that I think I am the one making myself angry. There is no one I'm angry with other than myself.
> Also, does anyone have a good mantra to use when the fire starts building in me and I become angry?
> Thanks so much.
> Be blessed,
> Kelli
> A Mountain Mama
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