Sat Nam, Kelli, you are well on your way to healing. Do you have
access to nettles? They nourish the adrenal glands. And then there is
the Stress Set for the Adrenals and Kidneys in "Relax and Renew" and
perhaps other manuals or DVDs. You may be able to find it on line or
if you write to me directly I can type it out for you. Coffee may be
the culprit in your adrenal depletion. Try making Yogi Tea, do breath
of fire or long deep breathing to build your own pranic energy.
Play with embracing interruption as a part of your meditation practice.
Be aware of how it affects your physical state, what parts of your
body respond and how, what thoughts arise in your mind. Turn your
attention where it is needed with your children staying in the space
you create with your meditation. Let it be about maintaining awareness
through what your children are wanting/needing and return to your
practice when you can. Two minutes of Sat Kriya, two minutes of wiping
juice off the floor, two minutes of Sat Kriya. Look at your practice
and your healing from a larger perspective. It is a life long journey
and your children will not always be young and in need of your
attentiveness. No need to try to do it all right now. You have the
rest of your life and then some!
Your commitment and your outlook are beautiful.
> I am trying to rely on the golden chain of teachers. I have been doing
> Hatha and Kundalini yoga consistently since June and before that off
> and on for 10 years... more off. Kundalini will be my focus completely
> starting Monday. I am making a 40 day commitment to working with the
> first 3 chakras and may some with the 5th for my thyroid. I want to
> accept my position in life right now, find joy in it. I want to parent
> and write with all the creativity my Creator has blessed me with. I
> want to make the commitment to living my best life possible and to
> stop being angry. Then, I want to work on healing my mental and
> physical scars. What should I realistically expect without getting
> angry when it comes to practicing with small children around? My
> oldest is 4 and my youngest 17 months. If I am interrupted while
> meditating, I feel like I am losing something. It is so hard to still
> my mind as it is wound on adrenaline and caffeine.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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