Sat Nam!
And yes, sure enough, I have a response to this question.
We have to start with the question itself. The questions we ask reflect our mindset and direct our mind in a certain direction.
This question does not point me in the direction that I want to go. If we investigate the question, we realize that it reflects the way we have been used to thinking in the Piscean Age. The Aquarian Age is taking us into a new mode of thinking, which focuses on achieving a personal experience, not supporting, explaining or justifying an impersonal belief system.
For me the important question is -- "What technology can I use that works to eliminate dysfunctional emotional imprints and move me into a state of consciousness where I vibrate in complete harmony with the Universe and enjoy the feeling of my alignment with the Divine."
Yogi Bhajan told us that he taught us technologies that work. Honestly, that is all I care about.
Kundalini yoga and all the 'Sikh' technologies actually work to get us to the place of Divine connection and inner peace and joy. That is totally sufficient for me.
I am so grateful and humbled by the gift of having these awesome technologies available. I have no questions. I live in the directive of "Do what works to get to the Divine."
Daily sadhana works.
Many blessings,
Guru Rattana :+)
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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