Hi Shaun,
Sorry to say, there's no special trick. You just do it. And when you come up against your resistance, and the voice inside of you that says "NO! I'm sick of this!" and you do it anyway, 40 days cause you made the commitment - that's where the power comes from.
Having said that, you might want to start small to build your confidence. cut the times in half for nabhi kriya, for example, commit to 11 days instead of 40. Or pick a mantra to do for 3 minutes a day for 40 days. . . the important thing is to start developing commitment to your own process - so if you say "I will do this mantra 3 minutes, morning and night for 40 days" - that's 6 minutes out of your day, but if you follow through you've gained some points of self confidence and the power of your word. Then you can deepen.
You gotta find a balanced way to develop your discilpline, as if you were training a muscle in the gym. Self-tyranny leads inevitably to self-rebellion. Pick a realistic goal that will challenge the status quo a tiny bit, and stick to it.
--- In Kundaliniyoga@yahoogroups.com, "Shaun J. Duvall" <shaunjd@...> wrote:
> Sat Nam to all.
> I am Shaun ( spiritual name Gianjot Kaur) , a beginner, but enamored of
> kundalini yoga. I started with this kriya after reading the beginner book by
> GuruRattana and Yogi Bhajan. I think that I need this for starters. But I
> get so bored after about 10 days. I want to do it for 40, but I just find
> excuses. How do I get out of finding excuses? I have a couple of meditations
> that I have been (mostly) faithful on, but again, the will is weak. Help me,
> all, to steel my will to do the practice and the meditations for 40
> days..... please. Sorry to have been a lurker, but I feel that up to now, I
> have had nothing to contribute, as I am such a novice.
> Saludos,
> Shaun Gianjot
> Shaun Judge Duvall
> SJD Language & Culture Service, LLC.
> Puentes/Bridges, Inc.
> 1245 Riverview Dr.
> Alma, WI 54610
> 608-685-4705
> www.puentesbridges.org
> Take them , and they'll see; show them, and they'll understand; share
> withthem, and they'll care.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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