Dear Friends,
Sat Nam!
This year my European Tour includes two week-long courses at the beautiful Myland Nature Resort on the Mediterranean in Turkey, as well as workshops in Portugal, London and Sweden.
September 26 through October 3
The First Women of the World Retreat
It is indeed the Destiny of Women to change the Destiny of the World. I will share with you a special package of materials that I have created for women's empowerment based on my own spiritual journey and over 30 years practice of Kundalini Yoga. This program will assist you in offering your own courses for women.
September 17-25
Part One of Level One Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training
You will get a sneak preview of my forthcoming book The Inner Art of Love, which covers years of work developing Kundalini Yoga teacher training programs. Everyone who wishes to study with me is welcome!
At this time there are still places available, but soon we expect to be fully booked. Check out the link below and see video testimonials from our previous courses. Also please share this information with your students and friends.
Many of you will be soon heading to the European Yoga Festival. We would like to ask your help in sharing a flier about Guru Rattana's European Tour from August 20-Oct 20. You can download the flier and print it out using the following link.
Also, for those in the US and others unable to attend any of my European workshops, I remind you of Guru Rattana Online - our streaming online video service available to anyone with an Internet connection.
Finally, for all your Kundalini Yoga books, CDs & DVDs, including Guru Rattana's ground-breaking book "The Destiny of Women is the Destiny of the World" visit our online store at for a very wide range, fast shipping and exceptional prices.
Many blessings,
Guru Rattana :+)
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GURU RATTANA ONLINE - NEW Ground-Breaking Streaming Video Subscription Service - learn with Guru Rattana in the privacy and comfort of your own home. More details from
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