Hi Lily,
The mag 7 are listed in the book by Shakti Parwha Kaur Khalsa, "Kundalini Yoga The Flow of Eternal Power", as a daily practice "to maintain her youth and beauty",but not in the form of a kriya. But then, 2 pages later,is another series with some overlap of 13 exercises for women to be done "regularly". I've been experimenting with consolidating and incorporating them into warm-ups if they aren't included in the set I'm doing, but it's long even if you only do a minute of each. Anyway, the 7 alone don't require much time, some to be done in bed in the a.m.:
1a) cat stretch, both sides of course
1b) eye opener-cover your eyes with your hands when you wake up and gradually expose to light.
2) stretch pose w/ breath of fire for 10-15 seconds
3) cobra pose- lock elbows straight, fix gaze at point on ceiling, bof or ldb, 1 minute
4) cat/cow- no time specified
5) mental standard-aka paschomittan asana- 4 times throughout day
6a) rock pose-bof or ldb 5 minutes
6b) rock pose lay on back-best in the pm after dinner, you will hardly get sick, 5-7 minutes
7) shoulder stand- also called gurpreet karni kriya- 5-7 minutes preferably in the a.m. for your thyroid and organs.
I like the 2nd series better, called a conscious act, it really is even more like a hatha set:
1)rock pose
2)life nerve stretch
3)camel pose-intense but wonderful
4)shoulder stand
5)archer pose- 5 minutes each side
6)baby pose- 2-5 minutes
7) bow pose- 2-3 minutes ldb, brings peace to a woman's mind
8)locust pose- 1-2 minutes
9)hold cow pose-2-3 m, ldb
10)hold cat pose, 2-3 m, ldb
11) stretch pose, no time spec.
12) corpse pose
13) sat kriya, 1-31 m., drives away depression, works on EVERYTHING
I'm assuming you know these postures already! ldb== long deep breathing bof=breath of fire. So except for sat kriya, this is a hatha set!
--- In Kundaliniyoga@
> You Mentioned to kelli that Yogi Bhajan recccommened woman do seven hatha poses daily"The magnifigant 7" What are those 7 poses? Sat Nam Raj Kirin Kaur
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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