Monday, November 23, 2009

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] self/inner guru guided practice


Dear Kelli,

Sat Nam!

>I am starting a new set from 8 Human Talents or the first set Guru Rattana gives in her free lessons. I believe it is time for me to step out and guide myself through my practice for awhile instead of following a DVD. I think this will help my focus and help me listen more to my body.

* Great idea.

So, in the set from 8 Human Talents there are none of the usual warm-ups that I see in the Maya Fiennes DVD and Guru Rattana's lessons. No pulling the root lock in this set either.

* Add your own warm ups and definitely pull the locks for the full benefit. 8 Human Talents is a small book and does not include everything.

I was going to choose the 8 Human Talents set because it is different in most ways from the set I just did 40 times. However, I don't know if there are other warm-up exercise than spinal flex and twisting, rotating, etc.

* Yes. How about leg stretches? Warm ups are your choice,

.. And then applying the root lock... is that necessary for every set or warm-up?

* Root lock is fundamental to KY to raise the Kundalini.
It cannot be stated in every exercise to apply the rootlock. After the intial lessons, it is understood that we use the rootlock in most cases after most exercises.

* One of the questions on my teacher training exam is to comment on how using the rootlock -- actually all the locks -- enhances the effects of the exercises. I am reading the comments from the Russian/Ukranian TT now and it is impressive how powerful all the students find the application of the locks.

Also, when guiding yourself, how do you keep up with time? Do you set a timer before every exercise? Meaning, you open your eyes and set the timer, refocus and then continue? Or, do you just listen to your body

* Sounds good. A clock without times is good too. Also using the Aquarian Sadhana CD you can atleast measure 7 minute intervals. (until you get to wahe guru)

... if so what about going over or under the time frame?

* Listen to your body and inner guru

Many blessings,

Guru Rattana :+)

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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