try this one
Meditation of the Week
Deep Memory of a Past Projection
Past Projections can tempt, hypnotize, and distract us. A deep memory holds the impact of trauma, of disruptions of our identity. This Projection goes away from that. It is cautious about intensity from the past. Too much of this Projection, and depression, detachment, and lower learning develop. Too little and nostalgia, procrastination, and regrets dominate. When balanced, you become a rapid social learner. You are quick to avoid past temptations, and are able to let go of things that do not concern or serve you now.
Synchronization Meditation
Sit straight. Eyes look at the tip of the nose. Place the fingertips of each hand together with the other hand. Form a "teepee" and place it in front of the torso at the level of the solar plexus. Fingers are spread and facing forward. Inhale deeply through the nose. Hold as you mentally chant "Saa taa naa maa" once. Then exhale by segmenting the breath in eight equal strokes. Breathe out through the rounded mouth. The exhale is not from the tip of the lips; it comes from the middle of the mouth and is generated from the navel. By the eighth exhale, pull the navel point all the way back towards the spine.
Continue for 11 minutes. Increase the time slowly to 31 minutes.
The past is dropped. The five elements clear to reveal your real self. You see all without being caught up in any of it. Let go, let it flow.
Harpreet Singh
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From: sat_sangat <momenat@gmail.
To: Kundaliniyoga@
Sent: Thu, 26 November, 2009 8:47:58 PM
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] Mediatations for balancing the Solar Plexus chakra ?
Sat Nam !
I need to find some nice meditations for the Solar Plexus chakra 'cause I have real tension in that area.
Would you be so kind to send me some links or instructions please
Thank You
Many Blessings
Sat Sangat
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