Monday, November 30, 2009

[Kundalini Yoga] Sodarshan CK - Question - There is any problem for Beginners?


Hello Everybody I am new in the group.

This is a question for people who know about Sodarshan Chakra Kriya.

I am beginner with Kundalini Yoga. I've been practicing for 2 months practicing in a group 2 times a week and I already did the 40 days of awakening the 10 bodies.

I really want to begin now with Sodarshan Chakra Kriya. Actually, I am already in my 4th day doing it for 11 minutes and I have no problems at all to complete the cycles of 48 pumps. I feel it confortable. Because I can sostain the breathing 1 minute without problem.

So, The question is the next: some people told me Sodarshan is for advanced and not for beginners because could be dangerous. So that I should do some not so advanced kriyas before. But they did not tell me why.
-It is true?
-Beginners can have problems with this kriya?
-There are problems or traumas reported for beginners trying to do it?
-For What level is officially reccommended this Kriya ? What Jogui -Bhajan says about it?
What I only saw is that beginners should begin with less than 11 minutes, but nothing else.
So please I will appreciate any answer because after these comments I am affraid now that could be dangerous, and if I do it is to be better of health and not worst.

I am happy to find this group when people practicing KY can help eachother sharing info.

Best regards,

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