Monday, July 18, 2011

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] July 1 40-day set


Hello Sat Nam Rasheedaas
--- In, "rasheedaas" <rasheedaas@...>

> yes, when I do KunYoga, I come right up against my lack of
> discipline too.

Thats always been a thing for me. Just keep doing the yoga until accept your 'level' is just you not some problem! Give up on sainthood and just be merely wonderful. Or accept a place among the mundane but blessed.

> I have to decide that even if I miss a day (which I have)
> I must return and pick up and continue.

I do 'cheat days' quite a lot. I prefer to think of them as 'place holder' days.
I do a scaled down version of the kriya 1/2 or 1/3 length. Instead of taking me ever forwards it gives my system enough to hold it's place - I don't go backwards I just hold my place. The relentlessness of daily practice seems important so betetr aplceholder day than nothing at all. And if nothing at all then big deal so what!

> Easy to feel defeated if one does not have the "ideal" practice.

And easy to be soft on yourself and kid yourself you are doing OK which is maybe what I have done many times!
I find I know when it is working and that's all that matters. To be any sort of K yogi with daily practice is quite something so to be a but compromised at it is just a bit less than quite something!
These days I'm not even that. I'm even accepting that!

> My goal is to just continue and not stop.

Yes make it a habit! When I did it regularly it was to make me feel OK or fantastic when life was getting me down and to do it when things were fine because I knew they would not stay that way!

Another way I look at it was it gives me happiness because of the way it changes how I feel about and deal with things. If I am less disciplined I have less happiness but what the heck!

For me it's a tool for life. It could be a lot more than that too.


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