Sat nam Caroline and welcome.
Your enthusiasm is contagious. :)
I've been doing Kundalini Yoga off and on for 30 years and I'm happy to share (briefly!) my experience.
When I first discovered KunYoga I was drinking heavily and seriously depressed. The practice, and the yogi working with me, helped me give up drinking. I was given a set for depression by the yogi healer whose name I forget. Two other women in the ashram where I was were kind enough to do the set with me for 30 days. That worked.
Since then I have done it off and on. Right now ON. :)
For me these are some of the benefits: loads of energy, sleep better, feel happier.
Also since I am 64, I hope that this time I can be consistent and do it every day til the last day of my life. I consider KunYoga the best preventative for Alzheimer's and other mind conditions that may affect people as they age. Also, (esp since I have no health insurance and am not wealthy) - I consider a daily practice of KunYoga to be the best way to maintain my health and fitness and vitality and youthfulness.
I look forward to hearing about your experiences.
Kartar Kaur
oh yes, on a note of vanity- I notice that when I do KunYoga, - just as your eyes sparkle, my cheeks glow. :)
--- In, "Cabelli2011" <caroline.west83@...> wrote:
> [:)] Hello,
> My name is Caroline, I am 36 and from the UK.
> I have fallen head over heals in love with Kundalini Yoga!!! I have
> already signed up for the online classes but I only have a tiny NetBook
> and am waiting for my new TV and a Cable that will allow me to plug my
> Netbook into the Tele so I can properly view the classes and I am sooooo
> looking forward to it!!
> I have a few other teachers DVD's which some are not my cup of tea while
> the others I like a lot better, but all are enjoyable none the less.
> I'm looking forward to learning some more. My eyes are sparkling since I
> have been doing Kundalini Yoga and I'd like to learn more about the
> Meditation side of it too.
> I know it will take time to get to know the members here which too I am
> looking forward to and I cannot wait to share my experience of my first
> class with Guru Rattana when the TV arrives and I'm all good to go!
> How have others found doing this amazing Yoga?
> I have never seen anything like it before.
> Does anyone have any Kundalini Meditation experience that they wouldn't
> mind passing on to me?
> Well it's lovely to be here and Sat Nam!!
> Caroline x
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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