I have been loving the "Raise Kundalini in short order" set a few times a week or more since it was published on Guru Rattana's meditation of the week.
I have some questions - I want to make sure I am doing it right!
First, eyes are closed and focused on third eye unless otherwise specified, right?
Spine contraction is inhale up, exhale down, right?
Spinal twist part two, keep hands pointed up for the Mulbhand, right? Are thumbs crossed or parallel?
Body drops, I have sort of long arms, is it acceptable to have weight on hands rather then fists? (fists hurt!)
Finger lock at heart, to end this one are the arms over the head still in finger lock or just stretched overhead? Also to verify, this finger lock is left palm out, all four fingers in lock, correct?
Deep meditation: I have seen various meditations with the tongue reaching up the back of the roof of the mouth, tip of tongue against the "high point" in the middle or base of tongue against the roof. Natural for me is tip of tongue rather firmly against the top, is this right? Also, i tend to swallow a fair amount at the beginning of this - natural is to swallow - should I be repressing that reflex, or just swallow as needed?
Also in the deep meditation conclusion my tendency is to tilt the head slightly back when rolling the eyes to fix on the top of the skull. Is this OK, or should I be forcing the neck into a level position?
Lastly, is there a hand mudra that goes with this?
I know that is a lot of questions, so thanks in advance for any pointers. The results from this have been truly amazing, with really deep, still meditations. Hours after doing this set if I simply sit in the meditation position I come back instantly to a very deep but very aware space. I love this one! It seems to be the perfect compliment to Sodarshan Chakra Kriya, which (to me) is more of an embodied meditation.
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