Sat Nam:
I am going to try to explain as shortly as I can some very basic principles that I think are important if we are to engage in Sodarshan Chakra Kriya. It may bring a new perspective, but more importantly, better understanding of what we do.
1. Pranayam: it is known that the process of exhalation brings apana (the eliminating force of the body) up. Apana Vayu has its place below the navel area. Apana's natural tendency is to remain low in the lower part of the body. Prana (small p) settles in the chest region.
Yogis know that the exhalation process brings apana up sixteen digits (this is not numerical measure, just a reference measure) while inhalation brings prana down twelve digits. We, then, need to increase the inhalation process by four digits so we can have prana and apana meet at the Samana area and balance themselves. Without this balance, Kundalini energy may not be able to move.
2. Bandhas: Root lock or Mulbandh's function is to, by the contraction primarily of the anal muscles, bring apana up and overcome its tendency to stay down. So, the combination of inhalation and suspending the breath, with Mulbandh, brings the prana and apana together at the navel point. At least that is the intent. It takes a lot of practice, even years, to achieve this. So let not think for a moment that just because I did some Mulbandh during a Kriya, that I actually moved Kundlini energy or that I opened a Chakra.
3. Fire: Now prana and apana need fire so that its energy may cause them to, if balanced, go down to Muladhara and shake or awaken Shakti, Kundalini. Fire is generated by navel pumping and Breath of Fire. Navel pumping, sixteen times per breath! Here are the sixteen digits balanced out.
4. The three lower Chakras: For every pump unit, if we were to include the three lower Chakras, we need to pump the navel three times as a unit of each unit of the sixteen pumps. Wa-Hey-Guru sixteen times in 48 pumps. That will generate the Fire energy, Agni, that will bring total balance and allow the Prana/Apana to go down to Muladhara with the lower three Chakras, lower Triangle energized, thus the three pumps for every one of the sixteen.
5. Brahma Granthi: For the energy to flow, there are three important knots that need to be opened. It is the unlocking of the Brahma Granthi that allows the energy to move up to the higher Chakras. The diaphragm bandha keeps the energy up in the area of Anahat once this energy has been released by the Brahma Granthi into the Vishnu Granthi. The diaphragm lock does not unlock it, but keeps it above the lower three Chakras. Imagine the bandhas as unidirectional valves that once the energy has passed up through them, their applicaton keeps it from returning downwards. But what releases the energy up are the knots or gates (Brahma/Vishnu/Rudra). There are three Granthis. Brahma is the first. If Kundalini energy is to move up to the next level, beyond the first three Chakras, into Anahat, and Vishnu Granthi, Brahma Granthi has to be opened. Then, diaphragm bandha may maintain the energy up at the Prana Vayu, chest. While it is located in
Muladhara, Brahma Granthi covers the first three Chakras; Muladhara, Svadisthana and Manipura, the Lower Triangle. Mulbandh alone can not open it for we should never attempt to open any knots by pure force. That is trouble we are asking for since it causes a prana imbalance. Suspending the breath after a prolonged suspension having counted to 48, forces a deep inhalation which tries to close the prana apana gap (14-16) while the 48 unbroken pumps develop the fire energy needed to merge them. This, while the diaphragm automatically locks itself. It is the total combination of these processes that seeks to unlock the Brahma Granthi. Opening the lower Chakras without opening this Granthi may cause a build up of energy in the lower Triangle which will manifest in very uncomfortable problems. This Kriya, if done correctly, keeps us well.
6. Left nose breathing. Yogis know that it is through left nose breathing that Kundalini Shakti is awaken. That is why in Sodarshan Chakra Kriya we do left inhalation and right exhalation. It is important that air does not escape/exhale while you are pumping. If it does, all you pumping energy is going to dissipate. The nostril block has to be complete. Unless we have mastered Pranayam, I can not imagine keeping the air suspended while pumping all this time without a physical block, ie, a finger.
7. Right hand: I will just ask you to seek Yogi Bhajan's statements and advise, and hear it/read if for yourself. If you think you have mastered Pranayam, and the control of right and left nostril breathing, then perhaps you might have the luxury and convenience to bring the hand down. It takes a whole lifetime for a dedicated Yogi to begin mastering this pranayam technique. Better yet, if you wish to master this Kriya with all the infinite grace that it brings, leave the hand up. Your choice. It took Yogi Bhajan over thirty years to master this, and even then, he would use the hand when he felt weak or tired.
8. Left Hand: may be used at the beginning to help us count, but then it should remain in Gyan Mudra.
9. Eyes: Never closed, that brings the Pituitary. Sodarshan Chakra Kriya utilizes the Pineal gland. Tip of nose, the lotus eyes, will take you straight to the Pineal gland, by opening the Shiva/Rudra Granthi. Then, our Shakti energy, in all its Splendor, will meet Shiva at the Tenth Gate. (Disclaimer, this has nothing to do with deities but with pure energy concepts).
All, by Guru's Grace!
Wahe Guru! I hope I clarified some points without being too extensive/didactic. This is the Kriya, if we can do it for at least eleven minutes every day, we wouldn't need breakfast, perhaps not even lunch.
Sat Nam
Adi Singh
--- On Fri, 11/19/10, lou eu <> wrote:
From: lou eu <>
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] Re: Counting in Sodarshan Chakra Kriya
Date: Friday, November 19, 2010, 9:38 PM
Have an amazing experience with these meditations. If you feel good about it
then definitely do both in the same day, so long as they can be fitted in.
As for counting Sodarshan Chakra Kriya, most people find it easiest to use
the digits of the left hand to keep track of the 16 whahaygurus.You touch
your thumb to each digit or finger joint (if you use the finger joint
including the finger tip then you have 16 counts right there with all 4
fingers) very soon it'll be so natural it'll be second nature and you'll get
into a deep meditative state where you can watch the thoughts and
subconscious thoughtforms bubble by.
Just spoke to a senior teacher about the right hand staying up the whole
time and he feels you can take it down of course. I find the finger attached
to the nose distracts me from looking at the tip of my nose. And of course
eventually when you can alternate nostril breathing with just awareness then
the hand can stay down the entire time! :)
I've also just heard that part of the power of SCK is that as we do the 3
pumps for each whahayguru, we're also meant to be pulling lightly higher and
higher, so by the third the diaphragm is pulled abit, and that's where the
magic is, is that SCK helps to unlock the diaphragm.
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[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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