Cleansing and Purification Practices
Sat Nam!
From my forthcoming book --
To take care of our body, we have to know how to exercise correctly, to eat so that we digest our food, to get enough sleep, and to balance our activities to reduce stress and maintain a relaxed state of being. Purification and diet are critical to bringing our body and physical and etheric centers into balance.
In traditional yoga, one starts with fasting and cleansing of the colon. As the colon is cleansed of excess accumulated debris, it begins to take on a very dynamic activity through all its interconnected nerve endings. It communicates with all other organs and centers in the body to trigger them to release their accumulated toxins and poisons into the blood stream. Part of the detoxification process happens through elimination from the colon. Toxins are also processed through the liver and eliminated through the lungs, kidneys, skin and bloodstream.
***Tightness and pain in the lower back is often related to blocked energy of an impacted colon. Navel and lower chakra exercises must be accompanied by a cleansing diet to alleviate these issues.
The cleansing of the organs, energy centers and body systems can be assisted by certain herbs that trigger various organs to discharge their toxic waste. Fresh raw vegetable juices provide the organic minerals that are drawn directly to the various centers that accumulate the minerals, build a charge and in the process discharge accumulated toxic waste.
Without the prerequisite cleansing, it becomes more difficult to effect the secretions of the glands and charging of the nerve centers. The process takes much longer and may be somewhat disjointed or impeded. When dietary cleansing and purification is combined with yoga, Pranayama, mantra meditation and devotional practices, there is a rapid progress towards the purification of our body vessel.
Guru Rattana :+)
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