Friday, November 19, 2010

[Kundalini Yoga] Re: Counting in Sodarshan Chakra Kriya


Have an amazing experience with these meditations. If you feel good about it
then definitely do both in the same day, so long as they can be fitted in.

As for counting Sodarshan Chakra Kriya, most people find it easiest to use
the digits of the left hand to keep track of the 16 whahaygurus.You touch
your thumb to each digit or finger joint (if you use the finger joint
including the finger tip then you have 16 counts right there with all 4
fingers) very soon it'll be so natural it'll be second nature and you'll get
into a deep meditative state where you can watch the thoughts and
subconscious thoughtforms bubble by.

Just spoke to a senior teacher about the right hand staying up the whole
time and he feels you can take it down of course. I find the finger attached
to the nose distracts me from looking at the tip of my nose. And of course
eventually when you can alternate nostril breathing with just awareness then
the hand can stay down the entire time! :)

I've also just heard that part of the power of SCK is that as we do the 3
pumps for each whahayguru, we're also meant to be pulling lightly higher and
higher, so by the third the diaphragm is pulled abit, and that's where the
magic is, is that SCK helps to unlock the diaphragm.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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