Its funny you mention Freud and Jung When I was young very young I was considered an "Intellectually Gifted" child I would go to the library just to read Sigmund and Jung when I was 10'11 yrs old they interested me so. Last night music came to me again, this has been happening lately I wake up and feel very frightened and dizzy if I toss to turn on another side and then it suddenly will start the music slowly from the very first note and then a slight bit louder. Its amazingly beautiful the harmonies and beat. The voice was very distant but it sounded like a male. It had a lot of guitar riff It was about Christmas and I couldn't make out all the words but this christmas is going to be a very happy one for the world. I know you must think I am insane and my Dr clearly will tell you I am majorly depressed but he is not sure about my being psychotic I played cello when I was 10 but I don't now sometimes and this will happen very very rarely if someone hands
me a guitar I can suddenly strum out a song without lyrics and peoples mouths drop They say I never knew you played and I say I didn't know either! I think I am going to get one amd see what happens only like last night after the music finished and ALL the uneasiness that I felt along with it I drifted off to sleep I can't remember the actual music sometimes I can and I will hum it all day so I can remember but soon life gets to busy and I forget again can you please tell me what you think of all this Honestly Thank you K
From: NY <>
Sent: Thu, June 17, 2010 2:15:41 PM
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] Re: Voices & Depression
Hi Kim,
That is very valuable that you are able to write about the voices/thoughts that appear out of the nowhere, float through awareness, then disappear back into the nowhere. Very few people reach such a high level. It is a gift of Grace.
We must forever continue practice in order to keep our gifts, and to evolve into our new gifts waiting for us.
As we learn over time to understand our inner thoughts with the Light of Truth, eventually the mental attachment to those voices/thoughts will become more and more unvelcro'd - then they are replaced completely by the Light of Truth.
You are really the only one that can explore and find what practical tools work for you. Possibilities: reading everything spiritual and self-help, being totally open-minded to all different views. Or the same type of audio files on an mp3 player while walking, or even sleeping. Immerse yourself in learning, and don't waste life on useless entertainment or idle chatter if you can help it. You have a rare opening into the Truth, but it requires letting go of the false desires & attractions of society. The path through the valley must be traveled alone, while still integrating knowledge from those ahead of us.
If you prefer to learn in groups, you might be fortunate to find a truly serious Kundalini instructor nearby, or any other spiritual discipline committed to self-enquiry and inner spirit growth, like Course In Miracles, Buddhism, Sikh, or groups studying Maharshi, Nisargadatta, many Rinpoches and Lamas, Gopi Krishna, or current teachers like Guru Rattana, David Hawkins, Wolinsky, Genpo Roshi, more. Even Freud & Jung. Whatever works for you. All legitimate teachings lead to the same inner knowledge of "I Am The Way".
There are also many fakes and lightweights. One way to tell is how much money they charge - it must be free, minimal, or donation only - otherwise they are attached to the illusion of money & material objects rather than Truth. Also age might indicate more spiritual maturity and value to students. Even the Buddha had to learn over time.
Also your writing ability may be able to be expanded - there are a few people who reach a kind of 'automatic writing' in which the inner spirit takes over and flows the words to paper or computer. This would be especially worthy of sharing with the world.
So beautiful what you wrote - the universe is infinite therefore so am I.
The 'I' that is infinite, is not the 'I' trapped in ego and thoughts. Our egoic 'I' will die, either with the death of the body, or by our choice now. Our mission is to re-connect to the 'Eye' of Truth.
--- On Wed, 6/16/10, kim regan <> wrote:
Hey I thank you because while the voices can be disturbing they are very insightful I have started using them to write some poetry as I am trying to integrate all that they say and no my ego is not my friend Luckily for me there are a lot of forums and you are right about the 30 sec yoga practice But in order for me to walk thru this valley what are the very practical tools you can tell me about For one thing I think that this practice has made me stronger that to know if the universe is infinite than so am I
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