Thursday, June 3, 2010

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Re: kriya recommendations


Sat Nam:
In the ebbs and flows of life, in the daily living when we face our fate, sometimes we feel we can not carry our duties any more. It is in those moments, when we feel the world is against us, when we feel we are down in battle, when we need something like the Serenity Prayer just to keep on, that we have to get up, keep up, and keep on.  What can we do? What if we, ourselves, can march forward, through life, towards our destiny?  Remember, we pray to talk to God, but we meditate to hear God, and we breathe to express God.  And, we don't really walk toward our destiny, we walk in our destiny.  Here is when we walk straight, face the hurricane (fate), and keep on in our destiny, in infinity.  The Positive Mind helps us prepare for that. Pranayam gives us the fuel, the energy, and the energetical balance we need, specially Breath of Fire. This Kriya, "Developing the Power to Win-Part I" does just that.  The only warning I have with it is that
at the end of it you will feel like you can take the whole world.  It gives you this feeling of "bring it on" that could deceive you into doing something driven out of the emotions and lower Centers. This is why it is so important to do this Kriya for at least 40 days. 

Just to set aside and bring you one of the greatest examples/teachings that can explain this, the whole struggle Arjuna had in the Bhagavad Gita, his concern at fighting and killing his own, and how Lord Krishna guided him through the wisdom of his soul, is similar to the battles of the mind we all have every day.  We have to live guided by our soul not by our mind.
This Kriya helps us realize that we are already happy, healthy and holy.  We just forget it.
Sat Nam
Adi Singh

--- On Mon, 5/31/10, Alma Montoya <> wrote:

From: Alma Montoya <>
Subject: Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Re: kriya recommendations
Date: Monday, May 31, 2010, 10:09 PM


Hi Everyone, I was reading this kriya it sounds relaxing, what is it for?
Sat Nam, Alma.

--- On Sun, 5/30/10, Lily Goodale <> wrote:

From: Lily Goodale <>
Subject: Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Re: kriya recommendations
Date: Sunday, May 30, 2010, 10:47 AM


What is the name of this powerful Kriya? And where does one find this ine and the one Chris mentions below?Developing the power to win? Thank you, Sat Nam, Raj Kirin Kaur

From: jose rodriguez <>
Sent: Mon, May 10, 2010 10:03:50 PM
Subject: Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Re: kriya recommendations

Sat Nam Chris:

A most powerful Kriya: keep it for at least 40 days.

If you can sustain 15 mins of Breath of Fire, then elevate yourself by the chanting (I Am Thine In Mine Myself Wahe Guru, Humee Hum Toomee Toom, Wahe Guru), the movement, the claping and even the final relaxation while you listen and let the Mantra work through you, you will be walking through the Serenity Prayer, walking through a hurricane and not have a hair on your head move. That is what Yogi Bhajan meant by the eagerness of coping with a conditon infinitely beyond our control.

Adi Singh

--- On Mon, 5/10/10, jordac123 < edu> wrote:

From: jordac123 < edu>
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] Re: kriya recommendations
To: Kundaliniyoga@ yahoogroups. com
Date: Monday, May 10, 2010, 2:52 PM

Sat Nam

Amazing things to report. First, thank you Adi Singh for the Kriya recommendations. I did the first and slept like a baby. This morning I did "Developing the Power to Win" (April 2, 1986) to get ready for my meeting with the dealership. I was so well prepared it felt like I was riding a wave. My energy was like an arrow. I was able to have all the sleazy add-ons removed from my contract -- and then thank them for doing the right thing. They almost seemed embarrassed. I feel grateful and humbled by the outcome.


--- In Kundaliniyoga@ yahoogroups. com, "jordac123" <cjordan@... > wrote:
> Yesterday I bought a new used car... a wonderful little car. Unfortunately, I fell subject to some undesired aspects to my financing agreement. It is not terrible and it will not exactly break me, but I am feeling very burned, negative and angry from the experience. The phrase "feel like a fool" or "have been played" sums up the emotional charge. I've been doing some kriyas for negative mind, which have helped some. They have been releasing much sadness, and I feel that this incident is tapping something much deeper in me beyond the circumstances. I will roll over into deep grief at moments.
> Can anyone recommend a kriya and meditation coupling that would help me process this energy and regain my clarity and strength? I don't want to tune out but, instead work through this pain.... especially before I go back and haggle with the car dealer!
> I have both Transitions to Heart Centered World and Relax and Renew
> Sat Nam,
> Chris

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