This is timely for me as well! The night sweats I've been experiencing lately feel amazingly similar to the heat I feel generating when I do spinal flexes for example. Starts at the base of the spine and spreads upwards all at once. Last night I tried the cooling Sitali breath when the night sweat woke me up. I can't say it cooled things down but it did relax me and relieve the irritation and frustration I otherwise experience.
I also found a yoga set from 1971 entitled Emotional Balance and Prevention of Early Menopause that I am doing for 40 days. I can scan it and email it to you if you like. It is a short set, not too strenuous and I vary my warm-ups depending on how I feel.
Think you're wise to recognize that pushing yourself is not the way to go. But why not just continue with some easier KY sets or do them at an easier pace – one that suits your stamina at the moment. Perhaps sets that are more meditative than physical.
Can't say I've had a lot of problems with perimenopause but I'm very aware that many changes have been occuring the last few years and without my KY practice I don't think I would be on such an even keel and able to deal with these sometimes very frustrating hormonal happenings!
Wishing you luck!
From: ssubvocal
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 7:56 PM
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] Menopause and KY
I am right in the midst of my menopause transition and been practicing KY for a couple of years. Hatha practitioners have suggested that KY may generate too much fire for one going through menopause. My stamina has definitely lessened since hitting the transition and pushing myself feels wrong. Any suggestions on how best to work with this?
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