Monday, February 21, 2011

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Developing a consistent home practice-tips?


Right now all I can tell you is your in the right place to be connected via internet and the people are very very helpful even with a problem you may have been experiencing through your everyday life such as we are all connected Namaste Kim

From: Laree Reynolds <>
Sent: Saturday, February 19, 2011 8:56 PM
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] Developing a consistent home practice-tips?

Dear KY community,

I live in a suburb of LA and there are very few KY classes offered close to me.
I have been developing a KY practice at home over the last few years. I started
to Ravi and Ana DVDs because that was all I knew of at first. I don't mind them
but after discovering other teachers and resources, I am drawn to a different
format. I was working with Shakta Kalsa's Kundalini Yoga book and really enjoy
it. I think I need to buy the companion CD to enhance my experience. I also have
Gurmukh's The 8 Human Talents and really love her writing style, as well as the
exercises. I practiced her Prenatal video religiously before I had my daughter
and it was so instrumental to my incredible birth experience.

I know part of this is my personality (I can be very indecisive) but am
wondering what KY home practitioners recommend that keep them disciplined and
focused. I love all the options in KY but it is almost too challenging for me to
commit to a particular action because I cannot decide between all the kriya
options. My main questions are as follows:

* Recommendations for KY practice for time intervals of 1 hour, 30 minutes, and
15 minutes.

* How can I effectively incorporate focused meditation into my daily practice?
* Music, books, DVDs recommendations helpful for a home practice

* How to be more connected to the KY community via the Internet?
Thanks in advance for any information and advice.

Sat Nam!
Laree Henning

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