Sat Nam,
I have gone through the details of Dharam Darsan Kaur's story & felt very sad to read about
the depression of her long time boy friend. I really salute you that you took so much care for your long time boy friend. You r really great. But your greatness will increase manyfold if you take out your boy friend from this worst situation of depression. He needs a lot of care & love and I know it is sometimes very difficult for a girl friend to take care of such patient all the time. But please don,t leave him alone. Take all possible care as your role is very important here. For your guidance, I will mention here a few points for improvement of your boy friend's depression.
1. Ensure that he is never alone in his Room.
2. Don't discuss the subjects with him which may be of least interest to him.
3. Give him Love and caring.
4. Try to spend time with him playing some indoor games of his interest.
5. Take him out for a Movie or for a treat outside atleast once a week initially.
6. Tell him to socialize also with other people or friends.
7. Ask him to do a bit of Physical excercise whenver he gets up.
8. Make a list of his likings and dislikings and act accordingly for his betterment, even
sometimes it pinches you Remember your role is very important in his life.
9. Discuss with him only positve things and tell him to think positive only.
10.Take him to some good Psychiatrist for better consultation & therapy.
11.In New Delhi Dr.Jitendra Nagpal is a Sr.Consultant Psychiatrist at VIMHANS, Nehru
Nagar, New Delhi. (Tel No.011-29849010-20 Ext.4422, 29849038 (Telefax). His Mobile
No. is 919810054860. Email :, ,
12.Tell your Boy friend that this life is very beautiful and costly too & one can overcome
every difficulty and predicament. Never loose hope & become despair. There is always a
13. Give him good aromatherapy also. At times buy some gifts of his likings.
14. Let him realise that he is not alone in this world and there is someone who cares for
14. Medicines & Diet should be given as prescribed by the Consultant Psychiatrist.
May Wahe Guru Bless you and your boy friend.
Sat Nam.
New Delhi (M) 9891210917.
email id.
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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