Sunday, August 5, 2012

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Re: Advise please - job under threat.


Sat Nam,

I gave the mantras for opening up space and opportunities in my last Leo
New Millennium Being Newsletter.

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Guru Rattana :+)

Fortunately our personal practice of the technology of Kundalini Yoga
and Meditation can elevate us out of the matrix of fear into the
dimension of Love, where we can tap our unique creativity and dance with
our soul.Daily spiritual practice is our insurance policy.

While the Sun shines in Leo we will be motivated to unleash our creative
genius. There is a special mantra to eliminate blocks so we can freely
express our creativity. It is the third part of the triple mantra. Yogi
Bhajan told me to practice this mantra for 31minutes a day for one year.
I did so and a floodgate of inspiration has flowed through me every
since. Even 11 minutes a day will produce freedom in your psyche. This
mantra is the third mantra in the Triple Mantra. I have included an
explanation of the 3 parts of triple manta, which is also an excellent
guru mantra for the times.


Triple mantra clears all types of psychic and physical obstacles in
one's daily life. It protects against accidents. It cuts through
opposing vibrations, thoughts, words, and actions. It strengthens your
magnetic field and keeps negativity away.

There are three parts to this mantra:

[1] AD GURAY NAMEH... surrounds you with a powerful light of protection.
Your aura protects you by becoming light and giving your space.

[2] AD SUCH ... HE /BEE/ SUCH, NANAK HOSE /BEE/ SUCH (with /BEE/) puts
you into an accepting and surrender mode. This is the last four lines of
the Mul Mantra. You can chant this part of the mantra on its own in a
soft monotone when you need to cultivate an attitude of allowing.

[3] AD SUCH ... HE /BAY/ SUCH, NANAK HOSE /BAY/ SUCH (with /BAY/) is
more active. It breaks through the energetic blocks to make something
happen. This is a good mantra to call upon when you feel blocked. This
includes writer's block and creative blocks. It also sets your energy
field so that your day can attract more possibilities and opportunities,
and you are able to take advantage of them.

The complete Triple Mantra is recited in monotone as follows:

AD GURAY NAMEH I bow to the primal guru.

JUGAD GURAY NAMEHI bow to the truth throughout the ages.

SAT GURAY NAMEH I bow to true wisdom.

SIRI GURU DAY VAY NAMEH I bow to the great unseen wisdom.

AD SUCH True in the beginning.

JUGAD SUCH True throughout all the ages.

HE /BEE/ SUCH True even now.

NANAK HOSE /BEE /SUCH Pure one, the truth will always be true.





When chanting the third part of the mantra, pronounce the /SUCH/ with
emphasis,like the hiss of a snake so you can feel it in your spine. This
is an emphatic mantra.

Chant the last part or the full Triple Mantra for 11 or 31 minutes for
40 days to be able to call upon it at any time. Or repeat it 3 to 11
times, preferably in the morning to set the energy for your day. Repeat
as needed during the day.

You won't want to jump up right after 31 minutes of this meditation.
Follow the chanting with silent meditation or deep relaxation. *//*

There is a lively CD with Triple Mantra by Gurunam available on

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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