Friday, March 23, 2012

Re: [Kundalini Yoga] Re: Chakras


Dear Siobhan and everyone,

Sat Nam!

As I explain in the Inner Art of Love, Yogi Bhajan taught us to start
with the navel and the lower chakras. We create a base in the body so
that we have a foundation for holding higher frequency energies as our
Kundalini awakens. But at the same time, when we do the rootlock, we
focus at the third eye and allow the energy to move up the spine. All
Yogi Bhajan's sets involve the whole body and all the chakras, even if
there is a focus in one area.

<Thank you so much for your replies Guru Rattana and Paul. Your detailed
reply is a great help Guru Rattana. It's just that I was advised to
concentrate on my root chakra until is has opened and only then should I
progress to the next chakra

* the problem with this advise is that it doesn't work. It is like
saying concentrate on your liver until it is clean. But the whole
digestive system works together. And the idea that the chakras open in a
linear fashion is not accurate. It is not a one, two three, four
process. Its comprehensive.

* Chakras don't just open and then you are done with that one. They all
evolve into higher states and they are supportive of each other. It is
an on-going process for all our chakras.

* You can focus on one chakra for a while and work on cultivating for
example being in your body, connecting with the Earth (for first chakra)
, but you will soon be aware that no chakra operates alone. You don't go
to the gym and just exercise your legs.

< I was told I should do this rather than switch back and forth through
all the chakras. I understand what you are saying about monitoring our
progress, Guru Rattana, and I will do that in the way you suggest.

* When you focus on the awareness and different energies of each chakra
you can consciously monitor your progress.

Many blessings,

Guru Rattana :+)

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