dear guru rattana,
I dropped a line to you last month where I talked about practicing kundalini yoga (exercises for maintainig a flexible spine) since sept 8th this year. I then felt guided to start sat kriya and finally chose your wonderful video as it felt so gentle and warm!
About 3 weeks ago, after only one week of doing this consistently, I had a powerful unstoppable experience where I saw all my chakras moving in full technicolour,it was how I would imagine an LSd trip to be like!
When this had finished, I felt a tremendous surge of energy which shook and took over my whole my body. I knew immediately that it was my kundalini.
I got up the following morning , did my sadhana concluding with a sat kriya. Unfortunately, the whole experience left me feeling scared and anxious, particularly after I heard a voice saying "I want Sarah"
I have not really done any consistant yoga since then as I have been unwell with the flu and have also lost confidence.
Should I have waited longer before undertaking sat kriya, It seems that my body/mind was not ready for it.
My mum died about a week before all this happened, do you think this has any relevence?
A big part of me wants to continue with my KY as up til now, it has given me an inner strength and much more peace of mind. Should I try and find a Teacher? (I always feel that Yogi Bhajan is my Teacher!)
I would be grateful to receive any thoughts you may have on this matter.
Sat Nam
Sarah xx
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