Hi Kelli,
As a mother of three, I have the same problems, and feelings that you do about
being interrupted, Also there is no opportunity for a group close by, nor time
even if there was. It can be frustrating to juggle it all and is quite a merit
on your part with two little ones. Keep it up! Motherhood has so many rewards
that it is well worth it.
If it is of any help, I have found that getting up earlier than everyone else
gives me the space I needed, since the rest of the family is still asleep.
Although it is a challenge at first if you are not a morning person, which I was
not. Doing this has allowed me more time for regular practice at least a couple
of times a week. I try and do at least the half an hour set in the morning to
wake up (It is on a Detox & destress video by Maya Finesse. I think you have
mentioned in the past you have this one. ) before having breakfast. Now, I
actually can do the routine on my own, without the video (if early morning noise
is a problem at home). It is amazing how just that little bit does so much.
Also, you might feel less frustrated if you begin the day with this practice,
because you have already gotten what you were looking foward to all day, then
you can always squeeze in more in the afternoon if time permits. For instance,
sometimes I meditate mid-day for 10 min. (locked in the bathroom at work is the
only option!!) which makes me feel much better when things are very stressful.
Not as nice as doing a full session, but every little bit makes me feel like I
am looking after myself and helps me to connect.
I would like to do more, but know that at the moment my responsabiliites limit
my commitment to KY. Yet I know in my heart, a time will come when I have more
space for me. It is just a matter of time.
I hope this is helpful. Good luck.
Sat nam.
From: kartarkaur <kartarkaur@yahoo.com>
To: Kundaliniyoga@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Fri, September 17, 2010 2:11:13 PM
Subject: [Kundalini Yoga] Adrenals and caffein [was--Re: Interuptions and Health
Sat nam,
I came across this msg and would like to suggest to the poster that coffee is
really bad for the adrenals.
The more coffee the weaker the adrenals.
I stopped drinking coffee after I had an event with my blood sugar and adrenals
in which I almost passed out.
I substituted yogi tea, and yerba mate, both of which will stimulate without
After about 6 months, I now drink a very little (1/2 cup) of very weak coffee
only after a full meal.
Also a very good book that will help to understand hormones and adrenals is:
"Feeling Fat, Fuzzy or Frazzled?: A 3-Step Program to: Beat Hormone Havoc,
Restore Thyroid, Adrenal, and Reproductive Balance, and Feel Better Fast!" by
Karilee and Richard Shames
kartar kaur
--- In Kundaliniyoga@yahoogroups.com, "hillfolkmama" <kudzumountain@...> wrote:
> Thanks to you so very much both who responded to me. I would love to be able
>to not be affected by the interruptions. How do I get beyond getting angry when
>I am interrupted? I get so upset I could cry. My heart pounds and I feel like
>bursting into tears.
> See I am dealing with hypothyroid and am on synthetic thyroid hormone which I'd
>rather not take. I also have adrenal fatigue, which causes me to feel very
>tired physically no matter how much I rest/sleep. I counter that with 4 cups of
>coffee in the mornings so I can function. I wake up tired and cranky, and am
>usually awakened by my children. So, the whole rest of the day is trying to
>balance that sadness and fatigue. The sadness is caused by the fatigue.
> I am living off grid, and have no one to trade childcare with. That isn't an
>option. There are no yoga studios of any kind anywhere near enough. So, my
>practice is without a teacher at home using DVDs and videos. I would love to do
>the Guru Rattana classes, but my internet connection isn't good enough.
> I am trying to rely on the golden chain of teachers. I have been doing Hatha
>and Kundalini yoga consistently since June and before that off and on for 10
>years... more off. Kundalini will be my focus completely starting Monday. I am
>making a 40 day commitment to working with the first 3 chakras and may some with
>the 5th for my thyroid. I want to accept my position in life right now, find
>joy in it. I want to parent and write with all the creativity my Creator has
>blessed me with. I want to make the commitment to living my best life possible
>and to stop being angry. Then, I want to work on healing my mental and physical
>scars. What should I realistically expect without getting angry when it comes
>to practicing with small children around? My oldest is 4 and my youngest 17
>months. If I am interrupted while meditating, I feel like I am losing
>something. It is so hard to still my mind as it is wound on adrenaline and
> Sorry to rant here, but I do appreciate anyone's thoughts. I am in great need
>of physical, mental, and spiritual healing.
> Be blessed,
> Kelli
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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